Police Files: Nov. 9, 2016

One too many

On Oct. 15, two Oakland University Police Department officers were dispatched after receiving a call about an assault. Inside an on-campus apartment, four people had been drinking. One of the intoxicated individuals passed out and eventually started vomiting. His companions attempted to move him into the bathroom, but he became aggressive and assaulted several others at the gathering. The officers noticed vomit, beer and a fifth of whiskey at the scene. Eventually, the suspect began shouting the name of one of the people in the apartment. He was put into handcuffs and taken into custody. He was taken to Oakland County Jail, where it was later discovered that he had a blood alcohol content of .175.

This is my private RV and I will not be harassed

An anonymous person called OUPD to report a suspicious vehicle on Oct. 10. It was a 1997 RV parked in Parking Lot 11 with its lights on. When the officers knocked on the door to the RV, a male answered. The owner of the vehicle said he was a student and slammed the door when the officers asked to see his student ID. When the officers spoke with him again, he became defensive and rude. Officers informed him that he could not sleep on campus, and he slammed his door again. The officers returned to their patrol vehicle, but the man grumpily marched toward them, demanding to know their names. He returned to his RV and slammed the door once again. The officers then left without further incident.