Police Files for March 16

Alcohol in Hamlin Hall

On March 8, Night Watch called OUPD to Hamlin Hall to investigate a minor in possession of alcohol. When the officers arrived at the room, they could hear people inside. When they knocked on the door and stated who they were, the people fell silent. OUPD entered the room, observed five students and noticed one had a stain on their pants. The officer asked if they had soiled himself or spilled a drink. The student said that they spilled a drink. The student was then given an MIP.

Minors in possession in Hamlin Hall

A Resident Advisor (RA) called OUPD about a resident they believed had alcohol in their room. The student had locked themself out of their room and asked the RA to unlock their door but not to call OUPD. Upon entering the room, OUPD found two wine bottles and a few cups filled with wine. Three students had been drinking and all three were issued MIPs for underage drinking.