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The Oakland Post

A Trusted Source of Independent Student Journalism since 1987.

The Oakland Post

A Trusted Source of Independent Student Journalism since 1987.

The Oakland Post

Kresge Library's Finals Frenzy event helps students relax during finals week

Kresge Library’s Finals Frenzy event helps students relax during finals week

Daniela Cesario, Features Reporter December 11, 2024

Finals week is synonymous with stress for students, but Oakland University’s Kresge Library is determined to help. In collaboration with the Oakland University Credit Union, the Kresge Library’s Finals...

Kresge Library double feature: Two new historical collections and their significance

Kresge Library double feature: Two new historical collections and their significance

Daniela Cesario, Features Reporter October 2, 2024

Oakland University’s Kresge Library has been a part of the University since 1961, and is increasingly growing its collections. One new collection offered is the Gaylor Collection. “The Gaylor Collection...

Photo courtesy of Forbes

Study habits from across Oakland University

Noah Francis, Features Editor April 17, 2024

Studying can be a difficult time for students, especially during their preparation for final exams. With the stress levels high and the morale low, mindless studying can feel unfulfilling or as if it does...

OU Writing Center: Providing writing support to students of all disciplines

OU Writing Center: Providing writing support to students of all disciplines

Noah Francis, Features Editor January 31, 2024

Located inside Oakland University’s Kresge Library is the Oakland University Writing Center (OUWC), a free service that helps students with any step of the writing process. Whether one is looking for...

Kresge Library transitions to new ILS: What you need to know

Kresge Library transitions to new ILS: What you need to know

Autumn Okuszka, Editor-in-Chief July 19, 2023

On July 5, Kresge Library transitioned to a new integrated library system (ILS) called FOLIO. An acronym for “The Future of Libraries is Open,” FOLIO is an open-source software (OSS) aiming to collaborate...

The fourth floor of Kresge Library: Has it gotten louder?

The fourth floor of Kresge Library: Has it gotten louder?

Autumn Okuszka, Editor-in-Chief October 12, 2022

The fourth floor of Kresge Library is ideal for group study, which gives students the opportunity to talk among friends and peers — but how loud is too loud? In the Library Users’ Rights and Responsibilities,...

An audience of alumni, faculty and supporters of Kresge Library gather outside its main doors as Oakland University Dean of University Libraries Polly Boruff-Jones shares words about the history of Kresge Library. The library celebrated the 60th anniversary of its dedication to the Kresge Foundation last week.

Kresge Library celebrates 60th anniversary of dedication

Joe Zerilli, Campus Editor May 18, 2022

Kresge Library was recognized and celebrated on May 12 in honor of the 60th anniversary of its dedication to Oakland University. The event featured guest speakers of the past and present telling their...

Lauren and Tori are ready to announce new mandate's on administration's behalf.

BREAKING: New mandates coming to campus

Tori Coker and Lauren Reid March 16, 2022

As the mask mandate lifts outside of designated areas on campus (we’ll still be wearing ours, thanks though) on March 20, some new mandates are swooping in to take its place. 1) You actually have...

Kresge Library celebrates 60th anniversary

Kresge Library celebrates 60th anniversary

Bridget Janis, Managing Editor September 29, 2021

Kresge Library is celebrating its 60th anniversary and inviting the community to come celebrate with them. With events and exhibits happening all school year, the library is focused on highlighting their...

Alumnus Kenneth Jones returned to OU for a reading of his play "Alabama Story" on Aug. 21. The proceeds of the event were donated to Kresge Library.

Alumnus returns to OU for staged reading of his play ‘Alabama Story’

D’Juanna Lester, Arts Reporter September 1, 2021

New York playwright Kenneth Jones returned to Oakland University for a staged reading of his play “Alabama Story” on Saturday, Aug. 21 on the lawn of the John Dodge House. The event was a fundraiser...

Polly Boruff-Jones becomes OU’s new dean of University Libraries.

Oakland University introduces a new dean of University Libraries

Emily Morris, Managing Editor August 24, 2020

Oakland University welcomes a new Dean of University Libraries, Polly Boruff-Jones. Kresge Library administration is a launching pad for academics, and Boruff-Jones is balancing improvements, OU’s roots...

Kresge is collecting everyday experiences from COVID-19

Emily Morris, Managing Editor June 7, 2020

Oakland University is looking for local voices to fill its archives in Kresge Library. The course of the COVID-19 pandemic changed many lives, and OU aims to form a record of experiences with photos, screenshots,...

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