‘Mad Money’ is bad investment

By Lauryn Torina

Contributing Reporter 

They say that money doesn’t buy happiness.  

Well, in “Mad Money,” the exact opposite is the case. Aside from being well- cast and having a few one-liners, Callie Khouri’s latest film, “Mad Money” was a financial blunder. 

 The film tells the story of three working, blue-collar women, Bridget (Diane Keaton), Jackie (Katie Holmes), and Nina (Queen Latifa) who, for their own reasons, decide to steal money retired from the Kansas State Federal Bank.  

Bridget wants the money to pay off her debts and house payments because her husband lost his job. 

Nina wishes to send her kids to a private school in hopes of giving them a higher education. 

Jackie just wants in for the risk, but would like a new home for herself and her husband. 

Eventually, the money goes to Bridget’s head and the plan falls through. 

Will the three women, along with their spouses, spend the rest of their lives in jail? Will Nina’s children be placed in foster care? 

Only time will tell. Though the answers may not be worth your time. 

 “Money” begins with some potential, riding on the popularity of its cast members. However, the plot fails to live up to expectations, leaving viewers with little more than a few chuckles.