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The Oakland Post

A Trusted Source of Independent Student Journalism since 1987.

The Oakland Post

A Trusted Source of Independent Student Journalism since 1987.

The Oakland Post

'Breaking Stereotypes with Women in STEM' panelists explain why students should attend

‘Breaking Stereotypes with Women in STEM’ panelists explain why students should attend

Rachel Yim, Science & Technology Reporter November 2, 2022

Despite the progress made over the last several decades to encourage more women to pursue STEM fields, implicit gender bias and stereotypes still exist today, and the STEM field is still overrepresented...

MHWWSTEM prioritizes mental health and wellness for women in STEM.

STEM organization: Mental Health & Wellness for Women in STEM

Gabrielle Gappy, Science & Technology Editor September 21, 2022

With the high number of students on campus studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), there are many ways to get involved outside of the classroom and to focus on personal growth...

Studies show that women are underrepresented in many areas of the engineering. The Society of Women Engineers at OU seeks to change that.

Society of Women Engineers is closing the gender gap

Arianna Heyman, Editor-in-Chief January 26, 2022

Engineering is one of the fastest growing careers in the United States. However, studies have shown that women are underrepresented in many areas of the field.  The Society of Women Engineers (SWE)...

Abbie Winkel (pictured) is a senior in mechanical engineering at OU. She is working on her senior project on solar EKIT design which will be integrated into hospital and farm equipment.

WISER to host ‘Picture a Scientist’ screening Nov. 5

Tanner Trafelet, Contributor October 27, 2021

Anyone wishing to learn more about the struggles and journeys of women in science, engineering and research should make their way to Founders Ballroom C in the Oakland Center on Nov. 5 for a screening...

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