The year is 2021, the first season of “Squid Game” — a South Korean action-thriller show — had been released in the fall to much fanfare. The show — other than being a sharp critique of economic...
Donna Voronovich, Oakland University professor, specializes in teaching Art and Archeology History, Theory and Design courses. She is also a member of the board of the Ukrainian American Archives &...
It’s a Friday night, you are doing your mascara, eyeliner, blush and lip gloss in a frenzy trying to get ready. Each outfit, hairstyle and vibe is perfect. The camaraderie is immaculate, you’re about...
Student Congress held their International Night event the night of April 1.It was at 6 p.m. in the OC. As it was the Globe Edition, attendees could experience many aspects of different cultures around...
As the heat settles in, a customary sense of freedom tends to follow. The summer months indicate a lot for Oakland University students. For most, it means a welcome sense of autonomy with little to no...
On Friday, March 14 the Oakland Center hosted both a Salsa Night and an International Night.International Night was held from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Banquet Rooms. The theme was “International Masquerade...
At noon on Monday in the Oakland Center’s Fireside Lounge, a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks stood facing a crowd of students.Behind the monks sat a makeshift altar to the Dalai Lama, with offerings...
The forbidden country of Cuba has always been looked at from a negative perspective. My experience in Cuba is a little different than most people would imagine. My father left Cuba at the age of 13 to...