This week in OU history

Ten years ago this week:

Russi delivers college progress

President Gary Russi, in his “state of the campus” address, announced plans for a new student ID card. It is planned to be used as a declining balance food card, a library card and as a means of access to the new recreation center.

Fifteen years ago this week:

VP search process sparks controversy

Former OU president Sandra Packard was accused of strong-arm tactics in the nomination process for a new vice-president of academic affairs.  One member of the search committee took exception to the inclusion of (current OU President) Gary Russi on the list of possible candidates, after his dossier was received later than the other four candidates, and according to the article, “was less than exemplary according to committee members.”

Twenty-five years ago this week:

Majors in language down

A critical shortage of language majors was a problem at Oakland and nationwide, with the US needing Russian experts to replace those retiring. Preparing new generation to communicate with the USSR was declared a top priority in higher education.

-Information taken from archived issues of the Oakland Post

-Compiled by Adam Roberts, Senior Reporter