‘The Hills’ is a guilty pleasure I won’t give up

By Amanda Meade

Scene/Mix Editor

“Reality shows” have seemed to completely consume television networks over the past years. Whether we are watching people competing on an island, fighting for someone’s love, or someone trying to be “America’s Next Top Model,” these shows show no sign of stopping anytime soon.

Don’t even ask me why because I’d never be able to offer any rationale, but for some reason, when “Laguna Beach” hit MTV it didn’t take long before I was watching every episode.  

So, imagine my sheer excitement at the news of a spin-off, when all the spoiled brat Orange County kids graduated high school, and moved on to be actual “grown ups” (yet still living off mommy and daddy) in “The Hills” of California.

The series took a different twist — one that I realized I loved even more than the “Oh my God, Steven is such a jerk” drama of Laguna. The series follows the drama surrounding Lauren Conrad’s life and work out to Los Angeles. Conrad and her friends (and ex-friends) receive a lot of grief from media and, well, pretty much everyone. I’m not oblivious, I can understand why people hate on these kids. I just so happen to side with them, though.

I recently found out that Conrad makes $75,000 per episode of “The Hills.” Most would be shocked, and this information would most likely just add more fuel to their absolute hatred for these rich kids.

Here is where I suggest my argument and ask that everyone simply stop complaining.

Conrad has an awesome job at a People’s Revolution, a fashion P.R. firm, she goes to school for fashion design, and she gets paid to sit and have conversations with her friends and party at clubs in California. She also recently started her own clothing line and endorses “mark.” cosmetics.

My question to those who have negative thoughts towards these shows is this: If someone approached you with the opportunity to make an incredible amount of money for doing absolutely nothing, would you really turn it down?

I’m all about working hard, and I do so for a figure of dollars extremely lower than $75,000. For some reason, the fact that these kids are my age and get paid to do nothing doesn’t really affect me. Maybe it’s because I find it as a form of entertainment.

My favorite chick on the show is Audrina Partridge, who has the opportunity to work at Epic Records. She recently got to help put together an audience for the band White Tie Affair, and then she and her friends partied with them at the after party. What a life.

Spencer Pratt, on the other hand, is a total jackass. As far as the audience can see, he sits around and does absolutely nothing, except maybe for apparently “managing” his equally lame wreck of a girlfriend, Heidi Montag, with her horrendously obnoxious “singing” voice.

I mean, this guy seriously had the audacity to sit and tell Heidi’s sister, Holly, that Heidi wanted her to leave their apartment, when like, Heidi TOTALLY didn’t say that!  

“Speidi” are the bad guys in the series. They create drama and that is why they get on TV.

As a side note, for those of you who are on my side and are avid watchers of this show, I really hope Conrad and Montag don’t become friends again. Conrad is like, so much better off without her.  

Those of you who can’t stand this show or anything like it I suggest the hit “America’s Next Top Model” instead. Maybe Tyra Banks can make you feel fierce, what with her obnoxiously condescending behavior and unbearable repetition. I’m sure she could feel your pain, since she does everyone else’s.

At least “The Hills” portrays these kids’ REAL lives.

Many speculate that “The Hills” is scripted. Conrad has come out several times in defense of the series, saying that this is her “real life.” Whether or not that’s true, I will continue to watch “The Hills” probably no matter what happens. Hey, at least it’s better than “America’s Next Top Model.”

My only request is this: Everyone needs to stop complaining about things that they can’t control. The people that criticize this show probably just want something to complain about, and if it wasn’t these kids, then it would be something or someone else. Take it out on Tyra instead.

Maybe I watch the show for the drama, or maybe to distract myself from my own reality.

Either way, I don’t have my own show, so until then I’ll remain addicted to “The Hills.”