Freshman 15 — Tips for spring break party people


Staff Reporter

With spring break only days away, relaxation, sun, and warmth are on many students’ minds. And just a few simple tips can help keep that dream vacation from turning into a nightmare:

One tequila, two tequila: With a lowered drinking age in most South American countries, the Chi-Chis and Margaritas hardly stop flowing until students get on the plane home. Make sure you, and everyone else in your group, knows their limits. Stick together–it might even be best to stay in pairs and designate a sober person to ensure each person’s safety.

Watch the water: Although drinking tap water is typically the most convenient option, watch what you’re taking in- most countries aren’t as strict as the U.S. about clean water requirements. Unclean water may smell slightly like rotten eggs, or have a yellowish tint to it. Talk to fellow vacationers and ask if they’ve had any problems with the water. Remember, one sip of bad water could lead to days of sickness.

Look out for others: As lame as it sounds, look out for your friends, family, and whoever else you’re with. Don’t let people go off alone, or with a stranger, and make sure everyone has another trip-mate’s number in case of an emergency. Also, have the number of a nearby hospital or doctor’s office programmed into your cell. The numbers are available at

That’s all! Three simple things can make your spring break one to remember, and for all the right reasons.