Student Congress election voting guide

Voting days: Monday, March 23 – Wednesday, March 25

Vote on:

Results announced: Thursday, March 27

The candidates:


President: Janelle Arbuckle

Vice president: Nick McCormick

Arbuckle: junior, political science and international relations major

McCormick: freshman, communications and writing and rhetoric major

Arbuckle: currently serving as OUSC’s public relations agent

McCormick: OUSC legislator, Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity member, orientation group leader


Getting OU students — both residents and commuters — more involved. To

do this, they want to hold student organization fairs more often. They

also said they’ll listen to students’ concerns, and work toward solving

them. Read their entire platform on

Facebook group: “Vote Arbuckle/McCormick”

Arbuckle: [email protected]

McCormick: [email protected]


President: Kristin Dayag

Vice president: Saman Waquad

Dayag: sophomore, international relations and public administration major

Waquad: senior, biology major and human resource management minor

Dayag: OUSC’s multicultural director

Waquad: OUSC’s legislative affairs director, Zeta Sigma Chi multicultural sorority member


Creating a more inclusive campus for people of all ethnicity, gender

and sexuality. They also said they want to increase OU pride,

strengthen OUSC and develop stronger student leaders. Read their entire

platform on

Facebook group: “Kristin Dayag and Saman Waquad”

Dayag: [email protected]

Waquad: [email protected]


President: Anthony Ivone

Vice president: Jackie Craite

Ivone: junior, political science and economics minor

Craite: freshman, psychology major

Ivone: has not served a posititon on OUSC yet, but has attended the last few OUSC meetings

Craite: has not served in OUSC; works as a research lab assistant in OU’s biology department


Make OUSC take the initiative and responsibility to become more

interactive with students. They also plan to let more students know

what OUSC is up to, and take more student input. Read their entire

platform on

Facebook group: “Ivone for Oakland U”

Ivone: [email protected]

Craite: [email protected]


President: Mark Medaugh

Vice president: Ashley Marthen

Medaugh: senior, biology major

Marthen: junior, human resources and development major


student representative to OU Senate, served as several positions in

OUSC before, retired as a Justice in order to campaign

Marthen: OUSC legislator, serves on the scholarships committee, Phi Sigma Sigma sorority member


They call it “Real Plans for Real Students”: try to make Kresge Library

stay open 24 hours, more bulletin boards for students to advertise,

expand inter-student buy-sell program, get local companies more

involved with students, and Project O-Yeah. Read their entire platform


Facebook group: “Medaugh/Marthen for OU”

Medaugh: [email protected]

Marthen: [email protected]