Healthy snacks for college students


Staff intern

You’re on your way to class and you only have a couple minutes to spare, but you haven’t had a bite to eat. There are many convenient options for you to choose, from fast food to the coffee shop. But, what do you do when you want something healthy?

Let’s face it. You barely have time to grab anything at all, and stopping at the grocery store is out of the question. So, if you grab a coffee on your way to class, get a piece of fruit or a low fat muffin instead of a doughnut.

According to Make Nutritious Snacking Choices on the Go, by Madonna Behen, there are healthy choices when you find yourself with only a vending machine or at a mini-mart or mall food court.

The best choice from a vending machine is a bag of pretzels, because they are crunchy and low in fat. Other good choices are a small bag of peanuts or almonds, and the small bag prevents you from eating too much.

If you find yourself scrounging for food at a gas station mini mart, your best bet is low-fat yogurt or string cheese. The protein will make you feel full.

When you are at the mall food court, a good option is a lean turkey sub on wheat or multi-grain bread with lots of vegetables. This will give you a good helping of fiber as well as vitamins and minerals.

My favorite healthy option from the vending machine or mini mart is a bag of baked chips to cure my craving for something salty. If I want something sweet, I like to go for licorice, which is low in fat.

If you do end up at the grocery store, how do you pick something healthy from so many choices?

According to Healthy and Affordable Snacks for College Students, by Amy Brantley, power or granola bars, trail mix, mixed nuts, beef jerky, and 100 calorie packs are just some of the options at the grocery store.

If I want to take something healthy with me to work or school, I like to pack snacks with my lunch. That way, my food can be found easily and doesn’t get crushed in my bag. My favorite healthy choices are granola bars and fruit cups because they are portable.

The next time you find yourself staring at a vending machine with just a couple dollars just remember to make a healthy choice.