Administration to take over Wilson Hall

Wilson Hall will become the home to more administrative offices. Some of the relocations have already taken place.

Departments that are currently based in Wilson will be moved into O’Dowd Hall, except the communication and journalism, and art and art history departments.

Ted Montgomery, director of media relations at OU, stated in an e-mail that the writing and rhetoric department and the English department moved out in December 2008 to O’Dowd Hall. The modern language department is planning a move into O’Dowd in December 2009.

In addition, administrative offices will be moving into Wilson from North Foundation and O’Dowd halls. This move is being done in order to centralize administrative functions. The departments moving into O’Dowd are doing so to support academic collaboration.

The new space that will open in North Foundation Hall will make room for Career Services, which is currently in Vandenberg Hall. This move was student supported and is set to happen in August 2010.