Coming Out Week hosts several events through Thursday
In the spirit of National Coming Out Week, Oakland University’s Gender and Sexuality Center and Gay Student Alliance will each be host of several campus events.
National Coming Out Week began Friday, Oct. 8 and will end Thursday, Oct. 14.
With help from the Student Program Board, the student organizations hope to expand on the work of past years.
“National Coming Out Week promotes well-being,” said freshman Zac Willockx. “It recognizes many different groups and provides an opportunity for a greater understanding and acceptance of them.”
On campus, the Gender & Sexuality Center hopes to replicate that atmosphere.
Reflecting the focus of its national counterpart, campus events will concentrate on topics relevant to pressing issues within the community. One topic will be bullying.
“It’s more in the light now,” said Willockx. “There have been seven (suicides) this month.”
While bullying may be getting worse on the national scale, the attention it is receiving has also undoubtedly risen.
The first day of National Coming Out Week offered a seminar on safe sex and its third annual pillow fight.
Monday kicked off the RHA Hate-Free Campaign in Vandenberg Hall. The SPB event, “Coming Out with the Real World,” was also featured Monday at Meadow Brook Theatre.
“Women’s Wednesdays” events on Oct. 13 will attempt to dispel the myths of sexual minority groups with a presentation at the Fireside Lounge in the Oakland Center.
The week will culminate Thursday with the “Coming Out Monologues,” presented by GSA and the Film Maker’s Guild, at 7p.m. in Banquet Room B of the Oakland Center.
Originally created at Texas A&M University in the mold of the “Vagina Monologues,” the Coming Out Monologues are more open to the community. Anyone can participate.
“It’s different because anyone can take part. You don’t have to be gay — you don’t have to be anything,” said Willockx.
Allies and supporters are encouraged to get involved.
All events throughout the week are free and open to OU students.
“Women’s Wednesdays” will continue after Coming Out Week for the next two weeks. The topic scheduled for Oct. 20, “How to do a Self-Breast Exam: Early Detection Saves Lives,” relates to Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
“Where is Feminism?” is the topic for Oct. 27 and will include a discussion with Jo Reger, associate professor of Sociology and director of the Women and Gender Studies program.