Top Ten: Signs that the holiday season has begun

There are really like twenty of these, but I only had the Top Ten graphic ready. So..
10. Sears has put up its giant inflatable nativity scene. The inflatable Baby Jesus will be placed on December 25.
9. The radio begins playing “Jingle Bell Rock” on infinite loop.
8. Holiday specials of your favorite shows choke the airwaves, like “The Situation Saves Christmas.”
7. Downtown Rochester looks like the movie, “Tron,” full of walls of sheer light.
6. Best Buy is hiring extra holiday staff. New hires are to be unceremoniously executed on the 26th.
5. It’s become socially acceptable to wear sweaters with reindeer and trees embroidered on them.
4. The Tofurkeys are roasting on an open flame.
3. The hysterically laughing old guy in the red jumpsuit outside of K-Mart becomes reassuring, rather than creepy.
2. People who put candy in their socks are considered socially acceptable.
1. You can’t find the hot new toy, Tickle-me Al Gore.