Packing the truck for the holidays

“Pack the Truck,” an event to collect cans for those in need, is exactly how it sounds: filling a truck to its maximum capacity.
The Rochester Hills-based Silverback Moving company, owned by Cameron Schea, a sophomore majoring in finance, and Dan Evola, a senior majoring in communication, has partnered with the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity to collect non-perishable food items for the needy and to continue to fill the company trucks.
“I feel that this event is allowing us to do what everyone needs to be doing around the holiday times, and that is giving to those who need it the most,” said Zach Norris, SAE president. “We are benefitting the local community with canned foods that they can enjoy during the holidays and also have the thought that someone was thinking about them. The worst feeling around the holiday times is the feeling of being alone and having nothing, and I feel that we are preventing this problem for many and letting them know that someone was thinking about them.”
On Nov. 6, Silverback Moving and SAE hosted their first Lady SAE pageant “to find an exemplary girl” and increase the can collection, according to Schea.
Taylor Kosnik, a sophomore majoring in secondary education, Spanish and special education, was crowned this year’s Lady SAE.
According to Kosnik, there were nine competitors and half of Dodge Hall auditorium was full for the event.
“I was really happy that most questions that determined the (pageant) winner regarded both campus and community involvement,” Kosnik said. “Not only (about) the pageant and “Pack the Truck” but it also gave the audience a standpoint on things happening on campus and what we thought could be improved and things we really felt strongly about.”
To attend the event, guests were required to bring one can for a general admission seat while the ladies that were competing needed to donate 20 cans.
“My basement is currently packed with cans,” Schea said. “I mean really packed. This is the best thing we’ve done on campus so far.”
All of the cans collected are donated to less fortunate families in the Oakland and Macomb county areas and will be distributed through the Oakland Livingston Human Services agency. Canned goods can also be donated in various places around campus.
For more information on Silverback Moving, visit