Experience, energy and enormous workload — check

This July, Oakland University’s Center for Student Activities (CSA) expanded their staff by one: Allison Webster filled the brand new position of assistant director of student organization programs, which carries responsibilities as hefty as its official title.
The restructuring of the position now funnels all areas of student organizations and funding onto one person.
Webster oversees all student organizations, including everything from registration to the renewal process to training student organization leaders.
She also is advisor to the Student Program Bord (SPB), which brings all the large-scale events to campus like concerts and trips, Oakland University Student Congress (OUSC) and the Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB).
Lastly, Webster advises the fraternities and sororities of OU — everything from recruitment to leadership training to philanthropy events to Greek week.
It may seem like more than a plateful, but Webster comes from an experienced background in college involvement and higher education leadership.
“I was really involved in undergrad. I was president of the programming board, I was the vice president of my sorority and I was an orientation leader, a tour guide,” Webster said. “I did a little bit of everything.”
After graduating from Albion College with a bachelor’s degree in communication, Webster went to Grand Valley and received her master’s in a program called college student affairs leadership.
She kick started her professional career immediately after at Milikan University, a small private school in Decatur, Illinois, as the coordinator of student programs for a year before assuming her position at OU.
“I like that don’t do the same thing everyday,” Webster said. “There’s always things going on and I like to get up and move. It’s always really fun and there’s always something new to do, new to plan.”
Even though Webster has only been at OU a month, she is busy meeting with student leaders from SPB, OUSC, SAFB and fraternities and sororities.
Among the reasons Jean Ann Miller, the director of the CSA, hired Webster was her experience with both public and private institutions and her ability to bring a new perspective to OU, as well as her Greek involvement.
“She is fitting in fabulously well. Students are coming by on a daily basis to meet with her and I’m just getting lots of positive response in terms of herself, in terms of offering her resources, along with her personality as well, so it’s a win-win situation all the way,” Miller said. “It’s a big job, but I’m very confident that Allison’s going to do an excellent job.”
Webster said she is excited to get acclimated to the culture of OU, a commuter college of over 18,000, which is a stark contrast from Milikan University, where 90 percent of its 2,000-student population lived on campus.
“At the end of the day, I think you just have to think that the students are the most important. That’s the reason why you work for a college — just making sure that you put the students as a priority and hopefully everything connects.”