Medieval activities abound

The bad weather forecast this past weekend did not frighten the patrons of the Renaissance Festival in Holly, Mich. Despite chilly conditions and heavy cloud coverage, knights, princesses, peasants, gypsies and the Queen explored the fairgrounds.

Among these characters were hundreds of families experiencing what life was like during Medieval times.

Visitors enjoyed jousting tournaments, live comedy, music, food and shopping. The festival is set to run until Sept. 30.



Chainmail is a popular costume trend among participants. Many shops involved in the festival make their chainmail by hand.






 Performers stroll through the fairgrounds in a brief parade to advertise their wares. At the close of the parade, the Queen waves to guests from her carriage.







A new attraction at the 2012 Renaissance Festival is the live Merbellas Mermaids. Adorned in jewels and tails, the mermaids perform tricks and speak in their own language.






Festival pubs are the prime location to see and meet people in costume.









Many artisans display their skills at the Renaissance Festival by giving demonstrations. Aside from woodcarving, the festival also brings glass blowers and leather workers.