Spring commencement to experience changes

There will be a change in the way spring commencement is run this year due to issues and complaints expressed in the past.

The majority of complaints and concerns stem from the weather.

“It is the end of a long-standing tradition not graduating from Baldwin Pavilion at Meadow Brook Music Festival,” said Jean Ann Miller, director for Student Activities and Leadership development.

The spring commencement ceremony will take place in the O’rena instead of Meadow Brook Music Festival, leaving the university with a lesser amount of graduation tickets to hand out, according to Stephanie Lee, administrative associate to the provost.

“We (the university) made the decision to bring our spring commencement ceremonies inside for a variety of reasons,” Lee said. “The main reason being the unpredictable nature of Michigan’s weather at the end of April and beginning of May.”

Lee said commencement ceremonies were compromised by the harsh elements of extremely cold temperatures and heavy rain, which is very common in Michigan during that time of year.

With commencement moving inside there will be less ticket distribution for graduates, particularly those graduating from the College of Arts and Sciences.

“There will be less tickets available for this (spring commencement) ceremony,” Lee said. “Ticket distribution will depend which college a student graduates from.”

Last year, students were provided with 10 tickets, according to Lee.

“There is not yet a determination or exact number for CAS, but my guess is there will probably be less than six tickets available for CAS graduates,” Lee said.

Lee said because there is less space in the O’rena, they had to split up some of the commencement ceremonies.

“We are aware that this is less convenient for some because of work commitments, but we are hopeful that the magnitude of an event such as commencement will be recognized and honored,” Lee said.

The idea to split up some of the CAS ceremony was brought up, but Lee said the university decided against it.

Lee said this is not the first time the spring commencement was moved inside.

“It happened prior to me working for OU, however, being an alumni, I do remember it was sometime in the 90s, but I don’t know the exact year,” Lee said.

Spring commencement will take place April 26 and 27. There are two mandatory graduation fairs scheduled March 9 and 12 in the basment of the Oakland Center.