OUSC hosts elections kickoff event to discuss candidates’ platforms


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Student Congress held its elections kickoff event Tuesday, introducing attendees to the three tickets running for the student body presidency.

Following introductions, each of the candidates were asked to participate in a drawing activity, where they drew the place they first met their running mate.

The event was followed by informal mingling with supporters and students.

The candidates

If elected, philosophy major Cody Corbin wants to use his presidency to clear up classroom frustrations.

“The reason I’m running is there are a lot of changes that I want to see brought about mainly concerning the way that textbooks and online homework are distributed,” he said.

He and running mate, Alex Grix, a sophomore majoring in actuarial science, said they would like to see professors clarify when students can use an older edition of a book.

Amera Fattah, student services director, is running with Maria Arellano, multicultural affairs director.

“Our platform is very campus centric,” she said. “It’s a continuation of what we’ve already been doing. Sixty-five percent of our platform initiatives are already being addressed,” Fattah said. “We want to complete them while we’re in as administration. There’s a variety of things: the de-stress center, the crisis center, the additional shuttle.”

The campaign plans to continue the growth of initiatives such as ConnectOU and the legal aid program.

Additionally, Fattah wants to push for an additional parking structure and more charging stations operated via the Wi-Fi hotspots currently underway. A full list of their campaign initiatives can be found at www.voteOU2013.com

Among the initiatives of current Student Activities Funding Board Director Brandon Hanna and his running mate Legislator Jibran Ahmed are increased Wi-Fi hotspots, installation of bidirectional antennas to provide better cell phone reception across campus and increased parking in the areas around the Science and Engineering Building, Kresge and Elliott Hall.

Hanna and Ahmed’s full platform can be found at www.abetterOU.com