OSI, Student Affairs move unilaterally in restructure of student-led SAFAC orgs
OSI and Student Affairs have been working on a unilateral restructuring of the student-led SAFAC orgs. The restructuring takes agency and independence away from student leaders and puts power in administrator’s hands.
Changes are coming to the student-run Student Activity Fund Assessment Committee (SAFAC) organizations and the Office for Student Involvement (OSI) in the 2022-2023 school year.
A significant restructuring of SAFAC that takes independence and agency away from student leaders and puts more power in the hands of OSI Senior Director Jean Ann Miller was announced to presidents of the SAFAC orgs in a meeting last Thursday.
The restructuring, which will be implemented over the summer, dictates that SAFAC orgs will no longer follow the leadership of democratically-elected student leaders in Oakland University’s Student Congress (OUSC), and will instead be under the direct supervision of university administrators in the OSI.
Under the proposed restructure, the SAFAC presidents will become a new group, entitled by Miller as the “OSI Programming Council.”
“SAFAC is coming under OSI,” Miller said. “It might [still] be called SAFAC, or right now it is being referred to as the OSI Programming Council. All [SAFAC presidents] will still be a part of that. It’s going to be co-led by [Coordinator of Leadership and Service Programs Daryl Blackburn], and myself. Daryl is going to do the leadership piece and I’m going to do the programming teams.”
Student Affairs and the OSI have apparently worked behind the scenes in recent weeks formulating the restructure. Student Body President Andrew Romano spends several hours meeting with Miller every week, and said he was not consulted at all about the restructuring of SAFAC.
“When [last Thursday’s SAFAC presidents] meeting was made, I asked [Miller], ‘What’s the meeting about?’” Romano said. “She told me she couldn’t tell me.”
According to Romano OSI/Student Affairs’ planned restructure of SAFAC is in direct violation of SAFAC and OUSC bylaws for altering the structure of SAFAC, as the required student leaders were not consulted about the changes and the changes were not voted into effect by the student body.
“[The planned restructure] unilaterally ignores all the rules and agreements we have between Student Affairs, the Board of Trustees and the OSI,” Romano said.
“In general, if you want to change bylaws, because SAFAC’s bylaws are a part of [OUSC’s] constitution, [SAFAC presidents] have to agree with a majority. It might have to be a supermajority, so you’re talking six out of eight votes [from SAFAC presidents]. And then you have to have [OUSC] agree to it.
“And then every Oakland University student [has to be] given the opportunity to vote in a referendum and they have to agree to it. And then it comes to a constitutional change [that] the Board of Trustees is also asked to approve.”
The fact Miller is moving ahead unilaterally with the proposed restructure, without following the procedures outlined in OUSC’s bylaws or receiving approval from OU’s Board of Trustees (BOT), is especially troubling to student representatives in OUSC.
“My biggest concern is that … once you throw away rules, you open the door for anyone to break the rules and get away with it,” Romano said.
“The lack of accountability there is very concerning … It feels like every student right that we’ve been granted is being violated right now … Where do we draw the line of what rules they can break?
“Because if [they] can take away these rules for no reason, what other rules can [they] override? [It’s a] concerning door they’re opening. I don’t know how [Miller] has the authority to override the Board of Trustees who have granted [OUSC] these powers and our bylaws and constitution.”
SAFAC orgs are the largest student-run organizations at OU. They are organizations that have been historically designated by students as being important enough to receive small portions of the stipend of tuition collected from every student (currently $28.50 per semester) to perform specific tasks that serve the campus community.
For instance: The Oakland Post receives funds to publish a student newspaper, OUSC receives funds to act as a governing body and advocate for students, WXOU receives funds to run a student radio station, Student Program Board (SPB) receives funds to coordinate events for students and so on.
The reasons given by Miller for restructuring SAFAC were budget cuts to the OSI. She explained during the meeting that positions such as assistant director and graduate assistant are being cut from the OSI, and that offices downstairs in the Oakland Center are going to be rearranged going into next year.
The apparent solution to OSI having less resources and staff is for the eight student-run SAFAC orgs to now come directly under their supervision, while also adding representatives from Resident’s Life Association (RLA) and OU’s fraternities and sororities to their new programming council consisting of SAFAC Presidents and other student leaders.
Miller and her staff insist that this new restructuring would allow for OSI staff to better support student leaders in the SAFAC orgs.
“This is all going to help us come together,” Blackburn said. ‘[The SAFAC orgs are] serving the student body in different ways, but we’re serving the student body. And as part of [student] leadership in a learning [environment], we want to be here to give [students in SAFAC orgs] the opportunity to be better at it and grow with it.”
Miller responded to questions about why OSI staff weren’t supporting SAFAC leaders better throughout this school year.
“I take responsibility for being woefully neglectful [with SAFAC training], especially last summer, in giving [SAFAC presidents] all the tools [they] needed to be successful,” Miller said.
The idea of more collaboration was appealing to some student leaders.
“Overall, I think it’s a good thing, especially since we have had such little opportunity for collaboration, [and] such a little opportunity for leadership development for people who are gonna be looking for that,” WXOU Director Mary Rae.
Questions raised during the meeting about why the proposed increase in leadership support would be impossible under the current model of SAFAC, which features more autonomy and independence for student leaders, went largely unanswered.
It appears that the plan for the new SAFAC/OSI council is to have an annually-selected student chair to serve in the role that OUSC’s democratically-elected student body presidents have traditionally served, acting as a liaison between the SAFAC presidents and the administration.
Details given during the meeting about the restructure of SAFAC were vague. This is apparently because, while trying to unilaterally enforce these changes before the semester ends and student leadership turns over in the SAFAC orgs, Miller and her staff haven’t yet figured out exactly how this new programming council is going to operate.
“The other thing that I’m [predicting] is probably having to write some new guidelines associated with [how the new programming council is going to] function,” Miller said. “One of the things I would like to see is a chair among the [SAFAC presidents]. It will be applied on a rotating basis. Each year somebody will get voted in for a year-long position as student chair … We need to look at the [established SAFAC guidelines] and then look at this model and see how we can incorporate both of them together.”
Another major issue discussed during the meeting was SAFAC orgs receiving their allocations of the SAFAC funds. To this point in the semester the university had withheld the transfer of those tuition dollars – a transfer that usually takes place in February every winter semester.
While Miller would not provide an explanation of what the hold up was, she did say that the money had been transferred to OSI last Monday and that all she had to do was transfer those funds to each individual SAFAC org. As of this writing, those transfers have not happened.
During the meeting Miller assured SAFAC leaders that allocations had not been changed, that SAFAC orgs would be receiving the correct percentages and that the orgs added to her new advisory council would not be receiving SAFAC funds.
“Nothing’s been touched in terms of the [SAFAC allocations],” Miller said. “[Each SAFAC org’s allocation] money remains the same percentages.”
Due to the funding questions revealed last fall about Miller soliciting and receiving tens of thousands of tuition dollars from the SAFAC orgs to fund the OSI, she made it a point during Thursday’s meeting to assert that the OSI was not receiving any more SAFAC funds under the proposed restructuring.
“To clarify, OSI is not receiving any of the [SAFAC funds] among these organizations,” Miller said.
Then immediately following the meeting with the SAFAC presidents, Miller kept the current chair of Student Activities Finance Board (SAFB), a SAFAC org that exists solely to fund GrizzOrgs, so she could tell him that he would be providing $5,000 from SAFB’s account to fund a recent event featuring comedian Preacher Lawson without other SAFAC presidents being around. This occurrence was consistent with the story that raised eyebrows last fall.
Of the SAFAC tuition allocation money — Special Projects Fund receives 1%, Student Video Productions receives 4%, Club Sports receives 6%, SAFB receives 27%, Student Program Board (SPB) receives 27%, OUSC receives 15%, The Oakland Post receives 7%, Student Life Lecture Board receives 3% and WXOU receives 10%.
The context about how the SAFAC funds are distributed is important because Miller said during the meeting that going forward, her goal is to make SAFB independent of OUSC oversight. This action has precedent, as in recent years a similar move was made to give SPB independence from OUSC. However, SAFB’s operating independently of OUSC is controversial and was rejected by the student body when it was proposed formally in an OUSC election.
“When I first joined [OUSC] I was actually a big fan of the idea of SAFB being independent,” Romano said. “But your perspective changes when you actually work with SAFB and you talk to people working in SAFB … SAFB directly funds student organizations, so there’s a lot of back and forth between students reaching out to SAFB and SAFB controlling what student orgs do.
“The most important thing is that those people [running SAFB] have to be somehow tied to the students. So like the way Student Congress does elections, we’re all elected officials, that way people can file grievances.
“I think that’s a very democratic way to make sure that student orgs also have a say in how they’re funded. If you break off SAFB, then they’re not elected anymore by the students … There’s no way to tie them to an election and there’s no way to tie them to rules really … So when you start taking away the democratic process of it, they don’t really have any accountability from the students. Then it’s just the OSI controlling what they want.”
It was also stressed during the meeting that Miller wants to improve event programming — a goal which will be hard to accomplish with the recent budget cuts to OSI.
By moving SAFB out from under the supervision of student congress, OSI would be able to lobby for SAFB funds without having to consult democratically-elected student leaders in OUSC.
With SPB’s already established independence, if SAFB were made independent from OUSC then Miller would have easier access to 54% of the total SAFAC allocation, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of tuition dollars every school year.
While Miller didn’t say his name explicitly during the meeting, only referring to him by his title, it was made clear to the SAFAC presidents that Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & Chief Diversity Officer Glenn McIntosh supports this restructuring.
Yousef • Apr 12, 2022 at 2:46 PM
Everyone who is commenting and textually yelling needs to chill out. If you really care this much about a simulation you are really pathetic. Grow up and find meaning elsewhere. Get a girlfriend, study, get married, have children, get a job. Do something other than complain like a bunch of crying kindergarteners who missed naptime.
Glad To Be Graduating • Apr 12, 2022 at 2:42 PM
While I am upset that the OU administration is getting more say in money that should be reserved for students to use, I completely understand the OSI’s need to correct the current wrongdoings happening in SAFB and OUSC. With their gross misunderstandings (counting SAFB being unreliable, limiting student orgs access to funding, and approving then denying requests groups with almost no communication of the changes – something needs to give. Obviously, COVID has impacted the training, development, and commitment students have towards their positions but I want to bring attention to the OSI’s terrible organization skills and limited resources at this time. Will this change bring even more disorganization with the OSI removing Stephanie Jurva’s position? How will any of these organizations under Jean Ann get support – with the other responsibilities she keeps acquiring? So many organizations that were powerhouses have lost funding, opportunities, and someone who ACTUALLY cares in the OSI about the student organizations. Students have no one to advocate for them at that level. Does OU administration realize they will keep driving away students with more and more student organizations falling apart? If there is nothing to keep students here, they will leave.
My question to OUSC is do any of you (Romano Administration, I am talking to you) want to see change and help? Advocate for student organizations and the events that bring people here. You have lost your access to controlling your funding because you are irresponsible, dramatic, and static. Real leaders move on from mistakes and miscommunication from the past administration and don’t ride on their excuses. Go to student organizations and ask to speak with them. Meet the students you are supposed to serve. Maybe it will help you realize that your ego is far too high and your ability to work hard is far too low. Students do not trust you and neither does the administration. Work on being a leader, rather than a revolutionist.
Former bullied OUSC member • Apr 12, 2022 at 12:03 PM
Absolutely embarrassing that anyone thinks this is an abuse of power by the OSI, OUSC drove itself into the ground with bullying and constant intimidation. Let’s not forget at the end of the day this is a STUDENT organization, of course admin is going to step in when there has been such chaos. Good luck to those that think these actions and attitudes fly in the real world, i’m scared for your future employers.
Yousef • Apr 12, 2022 at 11:57 AM
Why is everyone attacking Jeff Thomas? The man manages the paper and printed this article. Stop being keyboard warriors and offer something greater than complaints to the conversation.
If he does control the comments section that is pretty lame. Almost half of my comments are not published.
Seriously dude • Apr 12, 2022 at 11:18 AM
Too bad none of the comments that should be posted will be because Jeff Thomas is in love with andrew Romano
Concerned Student • Apr 12, 2022 at 11:12 AM
I bet the author of this article writes fanfiction about themselves with Andrew Romano.
A more concerned student • Apr 12, 2022 at 3:26 PM
Hmmm. Almost as if Thomas and Romano, two SAFAC leaders, care about similar issues and are willing to work together to limit/expose administrative corruption. Do you not care about admin acting as dictators over students because you dislike someone in this article?
plz stop • Apr 12, 2022 at 3:32 PM
I can more about Thomas’s lack of journalistic integrity and Romano’s willingness to throw his predecessors under the bus to explain HIS administration’s issues.
Anonymous • Apr 12, 2022 at 10:33 AM
It’s very off putting that the leader of the Post wrote this considering he sits on the SAFAC board himself and is a voting member. This is not unbiased journalism at all, but that’s not surprising from the Oakland Post
Student • Apr 12, 2022 at 10:27 AM
Worth noting that the “student elected president of OUSC” ran unopposed in a special election that was held after he intimidated the OUSC leadership into stepping down and discouraged anyone from running against him. Probably less than 10% of the student body voted for him so he’s not truly the best representative of the students. Glad someone other than him will be running the show.
Truth • Apr 12, 2022 at 12:50 PM
That student body president got more votes than the last two student body presidents did :)) if the previous president would have paid their workers instead of withholding pay, a federal crime, then there would have been no problems! Accountability ≠ intimidation
Concerned alum • Apr 11, 2022 at 11:10 PM
This is extremely disturbing.
I spent many years in student orgs and the politics of student leadership has become increasingly student dictatorship by Jean Ann’s OSI
Student • Apr 11, 2022 at 7:43 PM
So instead of the ousc president that is elected by the entire student body chairing SAFAC, now OSI wants all of the SAFAC org leaders (a tiny tiny fraction of the student body) to vote to select a chair- without going through the proper channels of amending the SAFAC by-laws. The only people with the LEGAL authority to change safac by laws via approving a new OUSC constitution is the Board of Trustees which is granted it’s power by the state government. Jean Ann seems not to be aware that she is not on the Board of Trustees and has not been granted any legal authority by any government entity.
Anonymous • Apr 11, 2022 at 6:17 PM
This is only an extension of what the OU administration has been doing for months, even years. If they focused as much on improving OU as they do on taking power from students, maybe OU would get more state funding.
Profit off of the backs of students and student workers, crush any rebellion, say you’re empowering students; rinse and repeat.
WXOU Alum • Apr 11, 2022 at 1:34 PM
Very sad to see.
Jean Ann has an agenda of her own that does not necessarily align with the will of the students, and at its worst, isn’t serving the long-term best interests of the university. And that would be fine as long as there are processes in place to respect the voices of students and the long running organizations supporting a diverse swath of student interests that can’t possibly be understood or represented by one person. It sounds like this “restructuring” eliminates those processes and should be of immediate concern to SAFAC orgs, and demand enduring trepidation of what future OSI leaders value, and who or what will influence those values.
Mark Cyzim • Apr 11, 2022 at 1:08 PM
Grab the power, dictate the narrative, impoverish the masses, control the empire.
Sound familiar? It should.
Yousef • Apr 11, 2022 at 11:51 AM
Everyone needs to chill out. The OUSC SAFAC OP it is all a joke. You have no real independence. He who pays the piper calls the tune. OU BOT and Pres Pesco act as stewards of our dollars. These organizations exist not to be effective or meaningful in any way but rather to demonstrate how our republican form of government exists in the real world. It has no power or purpose beyond LARPing or model UN. We should have expected nothing less than when budgets tighten up (allegedly) programs that are a product of the excess funds we have in the university will take a back seat to the core mission of the university, classroom education.
Power • Apr 11, 2022 at 12:25 PM
I’m sorry but that is just incorrect. SAFAC orgs receive huge amounts of funding in comparison to a grizz org like model UN. Money is power- and with the OSI trying to take control over what happens to that money, power is being taken away from students. At the end of the day yes- what power does anyone have over anything-sure, you can say that, but wouldn’t the logical thing to do be to do whatever you can to keep what little power you do have? Student Congress was able get more funding allocated to the ACMI, and donate $5,000 to the ACMI to add on pressure- no grizz org would be able to do that.
If the federal government just decided to abandon the rules and stop giving funding to state governments just because they don’t get along would we just throw our hands up and say “that’s the way of the world”? Rules will be broken but the least we can do is fight back and try to show those that break the rules that actions have consequences.
Yousef • Apr 11, 2022 at 12:55 PM
“I’m sorry but that is just incorrect. SAFAC orgs receive huge amounts of funding in comparison to a grizz org like model UN. Money is power”
Exactly, they receive money, from whom? OU treasury… They pay the piper and call the tune.
…”and with the OSI trying to take control over what happens to that money, power is being taken away from students.”
I agree. You do have a certain amount of discretion with respect to money allocated to SAFAC. But this was always subject to the whims of the OU Admins.
“At the end of the day yes- what power does anyone have over anything-sure, you can say that, but wouldn’t the logical thing to do be to do whatever you can to keep what little power you do have?”
I agree with you if you care about SAFAC and the small amount of “autonomy” given to it. I don’t partake in anything on campus. I have more important things to occupy my time than student organizations like family and a job.
Student Congress was able get more funding allocated to the ACMI, and donate $5,000 to the ACMI to add on pressure- no grizz org would be able to do that.”
I agree. This example is a rare situation wear students did something.
“If the federal government just decided to abandon the rules and stop giving funding to state governments just because they don’t get along would we just throw our hands up and say “that’s the way of the world”? “
No. We have many avenues for recourse. To name a few:
1. State officers holding Congressional representation accountable
2. Elections
3. Courts
4. Article V Convention of states
5. We could fund the state government instead of the feds. Michigan is a net contributor to the Fed budget wrt what we get back anyway.
6. States are setup in a manner to operate independently anyway. We don’t actually need the Feds in our lives. (an exception can be made for monetary policy)
7. If all else fails the only other path forward I see is (I AM NOT advocating for this at all) negotiate some type of separation agreement.
“Rules will be broken but the least we can do is fight back and try to show those that break the rules that actions have consequences.”
Yes you are correct you can try but unlike in the real world where you have tangible power you have nothing in the university simulation you’re taking part in.
Anonymous • Apr 11, 2022 at 11:18 AM
Watch the funding for this publication decrease as well, perhaps due to the OP’s willingness to print uncomfortable truths. Tuition goes up but the funding to student orgs goes down, all while “leadership” at the university gets bigger. Vote with your dollars and find a new place to earn your degree.
Pay Your Staff • Apr 11, 2022 at 10:59 AM
Where was this flex of power when your legislators weren’t being paid last fall? Instead she sat by and watched. A COMPLETE JOKE
Silly silly silly • Apr 11, 2022 at 12:03 PM
Exactly! She only cares about her silly events that no one shows up to. Oh you want free menstrual products and cheaper textbooks?Sorry no can do! Jean Ann needs her money for events!
Actual working student • Apr 12, 2022 at 11:16 AM
Don’t legislators have voting power? I would say that’s a good trade off for not being paid. Get a real job.
GirlPlease • Apr 12, 2022 at 12:53 PM
Student • Apr 11, 2022 at 10:53 AM
Wow Jean Ann Miller now has the authority to override the board of trustees.