Police Files: February 19

Marijuana in car

OUPD responded to P-31 near the new facilities management  for a suspicious car Feb. 13 5:02 a.m. 

When the officer approached the car, it was parked and running.  The officer could see a glass jar full of marijuana through the driver’s window.  Next to the jar on the passenger’s seat was a pipe.

Police entered the building and located the car’s owner.  There was only the owner inside the building.

When asked, the owner admitted that there was marijuana in the jar, and that it was his.

The owner was issued a ticket.  OUPD weighed the marijuana, which totaled 0.3 grams.  All evidence was placed in a storage locker.


Destruction of property

Officers were dispatched to P-43 for destruction to a car Feb. 13. at 12:55 p.m.

The owner a 2004 Mercedes Benz said he parked in P-1 at 9:40 a.m. and when he returned at noon, he saw a long scratch.  The scratch reached from the front of the rear wheel well to middle of the driver’s side door.

The student said he believed that no one was upset with him, but admitted someone might be jealous of him.

The investigation is pending.


Theft of keys

An employee from Classroom Support called OUPD to file a larceny report Feb. 10 at 2:13 p.m.

The employee stated that an ex-employee did not return five Oakland University keys.  The keys can open about 125 general purpose classrooms and equipment cabinents in thos classrooms.

He said he left the ex-employee three voicemails, two emails and four texts.

OUPD discovered that the ex-employee was convicted of a DWI in February and is currently on probabtion.



— Compiled by Haley Kotwicki,

Chief Copy Editor