Model UN team competes in North American conference

Students stated their case internationally at the 2014 North American Model United Nations Conference in Toronto. Five Oakland University Model UN members received individual awards at the February 20-23 conference.

Freshman team member Marissa Coloske won Most Outstanding Delegate in the Summit on Illicit Substance Trafficking in the Americas. Coloske represented the country of Chad.

“I looked at my nations laws and how those could be applied on an international scale,” Coloske said.

Coloske said it was very challenging to effectively represent a third world country, who’s laws on substance trafficking were difficult to research.

“I had to go back through five years of CIA records on narcotics,” Coloske said.

The basis of her argument was that other nations needed to assist Chad in their laws for substance trafficking, according to Coloske.

“It’s essential for other nations to help in drug trafficking,” Coloske said.

She noted that many drugs within the country so it is difficult for the country to effectively address the problem.

Coloske is happy with her experience on Model UN partly because of all the people she has met.

“There are people from all walks of life,” Coloske said. “The more people that get involved with it the better.”

One of the newest agencies added to the conference was International Criminal Court (ICC.) OU senior and International Relations major Alyssa Clark won Outstanding Delegate for being a prosecutor in the ICC.

“This ICC trial was the coolest thing ever,” Clark said.

Clark said she had to apply to participate in the ICC. Once accepted, students were split into teams, being the prosecutors, the defense counsel, and the judges. Each team would present their case, according to Clark.

The trial was of the former military leader in the Bosnian/Yugolavian Wars, Ratko. Ratko is accused of war crimes and acts of genocide. The real life case against Ratko is ongoing.

Clark described the level of detail and focus that went wither her work as a prosecutor.

“Our part was very structured,” Clark said. “Everything was constantly moving.”

Along with plenty of research, Clark said she received help from a Serbian immigrant to fully make her case.

Clark said she encourages other students to join the team, no prior experience or to be majoring in Political Science or International Relations.

“It’s cool to have a more diverse group,” Clark said.

After graduating in April, Clark will be attending George Washington University for grad school to pursue international law.