‘League of Laughter’ OUTV show returns for second season

There will be plenty of laughs coming from the Varner building this fall as OUTV’s “League of Laughter” returns for its second season.

The show is in the same vein as “Whose Line is it Anyway?”, where four contestants participate in small improvisation games in front of an audience. The audience also participates by giving the host certain suggestions for the actors to perform.

Different games include Party Quirks, World’s Worst and Hollywood Director. All of the games showcase the actors’ humor and ability to think on their feet.

A co-producer and one of the actors of the show, Edd Bunch, says that chemistry is a key component to putting on a good show.

“Everyone was always really open to everyone else’s ideas, so there wasn’t any stomping of creativity, which is important when you’re doing improv comedy,” Bunch said.

The show started out small, but has gained popularity. Due to the rapid expansion they experienced last year, there might even be a venue change sometime this fall if the audience continues to grow. Bunch is excited about this growth as he believes it leads to a better show for everyone.

“One day, it just kind of exploded,” Bunch said. “From then on we would have these huge crowds, which is really nice because it lets the actors feed on the laughter and excitement of the audience and it pushes them up to that next level creativity-wise.”

Not only do students have the opportunity to be a part of the audience, but there will also be tryouts for anyone who is interested in joining.

Tryouts will be held Sept. 8 at 6 p.m. in the Oakland Center. Anyone who is interested in working behind the scenes with the crew or the booth is encouraged to join the Student Video Productions.

The staff has yet to decide when the show will start this year, but the episodes will probably start filming within the month. Dates will be posted on the League of Laughter Facebook page.

Students can also find past episodes of “League of Laughter” on the Student Video Productions’ YouTube account.