Letter to the editor: Contract negotiations, the bond between professors and students
Photo courtesy of Poetic Justice Institute
Oakland University Associate Professor of English Alison Powell.
Dear Grizzlies:
Like the word “gerrymandering,” the phrase “contract negotiations” seems designed to make you tune out. Don’t. What’s happening in the contract negotiations between Oakland’s administration and faculty union right now will determine OU’s fate—and, by extension, the value of your degree down the line. After all, a university degree is only as good as the reputation of that university.
Some items the administration has proposed include the ability to lay off faculty at any time, or dissolve any program at will. Any university worth its name, that doesn’t, at bottom, view itself as solely a money-making enterprise, would consider this insulting. In the past, children of faculty could attend OU at a tuition discount; they would cut that by a significant portion. To professors who’ve budgeted the past fifteen years counting on that tuition waiver, tough luck! Hope your kids have a backup plan. Faculty salaries are typically adjusted to meet inflation; they would end that, too, in an era of historic inflation. This, along with their other proposals, adds up to one deep pay cut for full time faculty.
It gets worse. Special Lecturers (part-time faculty teaching at least 16 credits annually) make up a third of our union. A Special Lecturer’s pay for one class is equivalent to the tuition of just 3.4 students in that class. Yet OU contributes nothing to their retirement, and just 65% toward their health insurance. In their negotiations over the summer, OU staff – the people who make our university run—were reportedly told they were “lucky to have jobs,” and instead of a raise they were given a one-time $500 “bonus.” After taxes, $500 amounts to half that; it also doesn’t match inflation. As one commenter on a recent letter to the editor said, “Even Domino’s pizza is offering $1000 sign on bonus. Buffalo Wild Wings down my road is offering $400! What’s wrong with OU??”
Robert (Bobby) Schostak, newly appointed Chair of the Board of Trustees, was one of the main architects of the so-called “right to work” legislation enacted by the Michigan legislature in 2012. OU leadership is trying to fracture us, but they underestimate the strength of our union.
To propose these cuts after faculty have scrambled to learn how to teach online (some for the first time) on a moment’s notice during a global pandemic, often while counseling students who had lost family members, jobs, or any stability, is the height of cynicism. It is, honestly, a slap in the face.
Over the past year and a half, faculty has provided students with the best possible education while worrying about our own health, that of elderly parents, or caring for kids whose lives had been turned upside down. I taught my online classes in the laundry room of our basement while my young children banged around upstairs, interrupting lectures with questions and squabbles. It hasn’t always been graceful and it sure hasn’t been easy, but we’ve been showing up for our students.
That’s another thing OU underestimates: the powerful bond between students and faculty. Students won’t allow the administration to devalue our work and, by extension, their education. Five years ago, I was six months pregnant and teaching a winter class that met, brutally, at 8 a.m. One morning I wasn’t feeling well—what I didn’t know then was that I had the flu. Halfway through the class I fainted, slumping over in my chair. I came to and excused myself as delicately as I could, telling the class the session was over. My students then did something I’ve never forgotten—ignoring my protests, they escorted me arm-in-arm back to O’Dowd Hall, depositing me in the English Department’s main office before leaving. They formed a small army around me– one I was grateful for. (Incidentally, I was especially grateful because I was already pretty stressed about being pregnant at my job. OU’s administration has never given faculty the benefit of a parental leave policy. If you’re sloppy enough to have a baby due between the months of August and May, your fate is not determined as it is at most comparable universities— by a reasonable, outlined leave policy. At OU, you figure it out, or you don’t. Either way, the university administration wants nothing to do with it).
The administration justifies faculty pay by pretending we don’t work in the summer. Hogwash. Each summer, virtually every professor turns their focus to research and writing. They know this: they’ve made it, in fact, is a central requirement of our job. We are required to publish original writing or research in highly ranked journals. OU’s classification as a university— how prestigious we are compared to other universities—recently bumped up a tier, due to the prestige of its faculty and their work. We’ve done more with less and less financial support.
The administration also claims it needs to slash faculty pay to balance the budget. Again: hogwash. We’ve all seen the gas fireplaces in Oakland Center. The constant construction. We’ve munched on Chartwell’s astronomically priced lemon bars, and sat before the Dean’s $1500 desk. What is less visible is your tuition dollars paying the salaries of “leadership” positions– for example, the recent hiring of two associate provosts, each of whom is paid a salary upwards of $165,000. Over the past 5 years, money going to “Academic Support” (read: various administrative positions of vague benefit to you, the student) has increased 65%. Meanwhile, the funds going to “Research” and “Instruction” (paying your professors to teach you, and do the reading and writing necessary to teach well), has increased not even 10%. What’s more, the university just received $35 million in COVID-19-related emergency grants, which pays for the staff’s $500 “bonus” — the one given instead of a real raise. The money isn’t coming from the university budget. Considering how little OU puts into support staff, research and instruction, how is this about balancing a budget?
Before being hired in 2014 at Oakland, I taught at colleges all over the country, hustling to pay for my own graduate education through teaching positions. These days, to get a PhD without taking on hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, most professors hustle as hard as anybody in any profession. And most, like me, still end up with tens of thousands in debt, paid back in monthly installments over many years. Maybe the administration assumes people view professors as well-paid elites out of touch with the struggles of working people. Wrong. Students see how hard professors work, while the well-paid elites—the administration and board of trustees– look on. I believe students will join faculty in rejecting the proposal put on the table by Oakland’s well-heeled administration, not only because they believe in fairness and equal pay, but because so many OU students have had professors who showed up for them when they lost a job, or struggled with their mental health, or watched over a sick family member. OU students are genuinely the best part of this gig— our students are hard-working, reliable, and have a strong sense of justice. If my experience is any indication, they will not allow the administration to underpay and devalue their professors. No way.
This letter to the editor was submitted by Alison Powell. Letters to the editor can be submitted to [email protected].
Steph • Sep 2, 2021 at 12:04 PM
I’ve created a petition that anyone can sign, in solidarity with faculty. The link to sign and share is https://bit.ly/OUAAUPcn
Anonymous • Aug 25, 2021 at 5:26 PM
“Rare and Endangered Words: Special Edition for University Administrators” is well overdue. Civility, conscience, honesty, integrity, leadership, respect, responsibility, stewardship, and transparency must be among the dictionary’s entries.
Mary Lyons • Aug 25, 2021 at 9:54 AM
OU do not underestimate the strength of our wonderful Students, our amazing Staff and our devoted Faculty. Our bonds are strong. We are not just aspiring to rise, we are rising! We are united! We stand together!
Nick Harris • Aug 25, 2021 at 9:34 AM
Thank you Professor Powell for writing this piece and pointing out how deplorable OU’s treatment has been of our staff and now the faculty. I didn’t even know that they were doing to same thing to students till I read the piece in the The Oakland Post “Two Universities, One Playbook.” I am appalled and just so very disappointed. Why on earth would they treat our students so badly-particularly when enrollment is dropping? Who’s making these decisions? Professor Knutson wrote “Let them eat cake’: OU’s Administrative Bloat Steals from Faculty.” Who are these Administrators who are so out of touch with our students, our staff and our faculty?
Professor Gilson in her letter to the editor wrote that OU Administration is falling short of Matilda Dodge Wilson’s vision and legacy. I cannot agree more. What an utter shame! This beautiful gem of an university has lost it’s soul and is getting taken over by the corporate vultures. We need to fight back and stand together. As a retired faculty member who’s children benefited from the wonderful education at Oakland and still continue to benefit from the rich relationships they made when they attended OU I can say that I stand with the faculty. My wife and I will be more than happy to join Professor Powell and the rest of the faculty at the picket lines if that’s what it takes to get Oakland to wake up and do the right thing.
Janell Townsend • Aug 25, 2021 at 8:09 AM
Well said! Students are 100% the best part of this gig!
Jeremy Johnson • Aug 24, 2021 at 11:45 PM
OU only works when its faculty, staff, and student workers do! Students must demand better from university leadership