New Mural to be painted in the basement of the OC


Staff Intern

The basement of the Oakland Center will be getting a makeover this spring. A floor-to-ceiling photographic mural, similar to the one in the O’Rena, is being planned to stretch from the bookstore to Bumpers Game Room.

“It’s a project I’ve been wanting to do since I was elected last spring,” said Student Body President Rob Meyer. “The Oakland Center is so sterile. This will be a way to liven up the building.”

Meyer hopes that by creating the mural, the OC will take on more of an identity of a student union that students can connect with, similar to the student unions at larger schools.

“The collage is going to be all sorts of photos from the communications and marketing department of Oakland University throughout it’s history,” Meyer said. “The history of the school is literally going to be on the walls. “We also collected photos from current student organizations to use.”

The project, jointly funded by OUSC, The Student Program Board, and SAFB, is expected to begin in April. Meyer has been planning the mural with OUSC and SPB and hopes to have it completed by the time freshman orientations start in June.