The long awaited thriller, “Heretic,” released in theaters throughout the U.S. on Nov. 8, 2024, to primarily positive reviews. The film, directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, first premiered at the...
“We Live in Time” is a romantic comedy-drama that first premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sept. 6 and was released on Oct. 11, 2024, in the U.S.
Directed by John Crowley, the...
A Halloween classic, “Beetlejuice” was first released on March 30, 1988, and was considered a box office success. The success inspired an animated series in 1989, which consisted of four seasons and...
Influential movies create a lasting impact on culture — audiences can see this in the modern day with remakes and sequels. Such examples of this is “Alien,” which is considered a genre-defining film...
A well known classic of its genre, “Twister,” tapped into audience desire for natural disaster movies. The film was the second highest grossing film of 1996 and the film received Oscar nominations...
“There is still time.”
Horror movies have made quite the resurgence through the production studio, A24. Films like “Hereditary,”...
Fans of slashers and Mia Goth alike were ecstatic when “X” released in March 2022.
The film grossed $15.1 million in theaters — making it a box office success. The star packed cast included...
Spoilers ahead: You have been warned.
1979 is calling, are you picking up? Ridley Scott is on the phone with a timeless, well-crafted yet chilling movie that stands the test of time.
Sapphics everywhere are rejoicing with the influx of films hitting theaters featuring woman-loving-woman characters. With the recent release of crime-comedy film “Drive-Away Dolls,” a crime-thriller...
Fans of the Coen brothers might know Ethan Coen from some of his hit films such as “No Country for Old Men,” “Fargo” or even “The Big Lebowski.” With a track record of films that mix well-known...
When thinking about what to write about for our Valentine’s Day issue, I obviously knew that I had to write about a rom-com, it was only right.
However, when I initially started searching for new...
Buzz surrounded the much talked about revamped “Mean Girls” movie musical after its release on Friday, Jan. 12 — both positive and negative.
Released exactly 20 years after the original movie...