Editor ditches old standards for validation


Scene/Mix Editor

Today, it is common to see female police officers, doctors and even politicians. Yet, with all the freedoms that women are now entitled to, there are still some women who dream of being housewives.

They focus their lives on finding prince charming, to the point of putting other aspects of their lives on hold.

From a young age, women are exposed to movies, television shows and other media that influence their perception of their roles in society, and lead them to believe that expectations are different for women and men.

From Ariel in “The Little Mermaid” to Rapunzel of the fairy tale, women have often been portrayed as the damsel in distress, and taught that the only way to be happy or “saved” involves a man.

These days, women truly can do whatever a man can. We actually have every freedom that a man does. Therefore, there is no reason to rely on a man to be happy. Yet, so many women still do.

The “Honey, I’m home” concept of the husband “bringing home the bacon” and the wife having dinner on the table when he arrives is so two decades ago, or it should be at least.

Oddly enough, many still live by these rules and have these expectations. Just watch a few episodes of “Wife Swap” and you’re bound to find examples of this.

A woman’s plans shouldn’t be based on when they are going to get married and have kids but rather, where their career is going and what kind of education and experience they need to be self-reliant.

There is nothing wrong with finding and having a boyfriend. But far too many women settle for someone completely wrong for them out of the fear of being alone. A relationship should be between two equals, two people committing to one another with a friendship for a foundation. Not just what the man can do for the woman, or vice versa.

On the other hand, compromise is completely normal in a relationship. But compromise doesn’t mean one person in the relationship putting off or drastically changing their lives for the other.

Too many women concern themselves with finding that “right” guy to the point of pushing relationships that are probably not going to work out anyway. Instead, women could just let things happen naturally. They will most likely be happier with that outcome.

A woman doesn’t need a man to support her. If the female race is going to utilize its freedoms, which are identical to those of men, they can’t have it both ways. They have to work just as hard, if not harder.

The grossly perverted Nickelback songs like “Something in your mouth” don’t help either. Does a healthy relationship really start off with a guy picking up on a girl because she is dancing to a sexually explicit and demeaning song?

Women act the way they think they should to attract men, which can lead them to lose self-respect. And a guy can’t be blamed for picking up a woman that doesn’t appear to care about herself.

All women need to realize is that, as soon as they are able to love themselves and be comfortable with themselves, they will become irresistible to men. Most likely the better sort of men, rather than the ones they would pick up at the bar. People can pick up on, and are usually attracted to, a sense of self confidence.

Women don’t have to find validation in a relationship. They need to find it within themselves. Whether they are training to be police officers or nurses, women should make themselves happy, and not try to find that happiness in someone else.