Spanish prof hopes to inspire students to explore other cultures

By Brad Slazinski

Staff Intern

Name: Ronald Rapin

1. What classes do you teach?

Mostly Spanish classes. First, second, third and fourth year year, Spanish grammar, Spanish business, and Spanish literature.

2. Who in your field inspires you to teach?

High school Spanish teacher and a few French teachers.

3. What is on your reading list?

Time, Newsweek, and Economist.

4. In one sentence describe what you do at Oakland University.

Hope to inspire students to get to know other people in other cultures.

5. Favorite Oakland University sport to watch live?

Not really sports minded but I like a good soccer game.

6. It’s lunchtime and you’re hungry. Have you packed your own, are you going to the OC or ordering out?

Oakland Center.

7.  How is your office looking? In other words, if I were a student that had an appointment, would I be able to see you around the piles of papers?

It’s pretty tidy. I try and keep it organized.

8. Bedtime?

Ten or ten-thirty.

9. Where is the most interesting place that your studies or job have taken you?

I love to travel. It’s hard to choose but my two favorite places are the pyramids in Egypt and the Taj Mahal.

10.  What do you hope that students know before they take your class?

That I’m strict on attendance and homework but I think they’ll have a good time and learn quite a bit if they’re willing to do the work.