The New Economy — Dire states


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Most people are past the talking stage and have already entered the hopeless stage. Even with stimulus packages being created, the nation will not be affected for years to come. Furthermore, if the nation’s people are complaining that they have no money or job opportunities, how do they think Michiganders feel with what we’ve been experiencing already?

You don’t have to be an autoworker to feel the effects of the dire state of the economy. For example, I had just received a letter in the mail a few days ago from my bank. I saw the envelope and thought, “Well crap, what did I do now?” but it wasn’t anything I had done. Still, unfortunately, it was a letter stating that a Credit Union One banking branch was going to be closed effective Friday, February 27, 2009. At first I thought, “No biggy, there’s still a branch on campus.” After adjusting my perspective I realized that it really sucks for the employees that currently work there. I guess what the government has overlooked by laying off autoworkers and other various employees is that if people can’t afford necessities in their current situation, then how are they going to when they have no income? How can people help stimulate the economy if they have no money themselves? Well that one probably wasn’t thought through well enough.

According to, “Lawmakers said they had resolved the differences between the House and Senate versions of the economic stimulus bill, but it’s not a done deal.” They also said that the holdup relates to $10 billion for school construction and modernization. Lawmakers are trying to decide how to view the school stimulus package. House members want it to go through Title 1, which would assign the funds based on need. The Senate would like to give the money to governors through the state stabilization vehicle. The website also stated that President Obama said he wanted the bill on his desk by Presidents Day.

Although lawmakers seem to be pushing to make some effective changes as soon as possible, is it going to be soon enough to save the nation from completely falling apart? Will the changes be enough to create more job opportunities and lower the nation’s debt in time?