Stopped dead in our tracks by the sun


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By accident I have become obsessed with sunsets. I am constantly taking pictures of them every chance I get. It’s gotten so bad that some of my friends make jokes at me because we are constantly stopping in our tracks so I can take pictures. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the sky can just create all those colors.

This picture was taken while I was on my way back to campus in the beginning of winter. It was an unbelievable sunset that looked almost like a fiery blaze. Not only was the swirling orange breathtaking, but the patterns in the clouds were pretty unusual too.

OU’s campus has shown off some great skies on many occasions and I tend to get snapshots of them. I’m not too sure why I’m fascinated by them, but I am and I’m proud of that. When it’s the end of the day, and boy is it usually a long day, it’s a nice treat to see a blast of color in the sky.