Blogging – A healthier alternative


Scene/Mix Editor

On March 4, 2009, The New York Times published an editorial written by Adam Cohen titled “Out of Work? Read a Recession Blog. Or, Better Yet, Write One.”

The editorial covers the state of the economy on the World Wide Web, and how recession-based blogs are currently all the rage. The blogs can range from recession advice to recession humor. For a long time, there have been many blogs regarding ways to save money and be thriftier, yet nowadays there is more of a demand from readers and more blogs are being created.

More than likely, no one really cares what you ate for lunch or what funny thing your dog did that day. This might be incredibly obvious, but create something that someone is actually going to want to read.

Maybe the audience wants something to keep their mind in a place other than the terrible economy. Are you really good at something that you know others aren’t? Create a DIY blog. Are you constantly telling jokes? Start up a comedy blog. It’s not hard; a 93-year-old grandmother is video blogging about cheap meals she learned to make during the Depression.

If you’re looking to be the next Perez Hilton, don’t get your hopes up about making a ton of money off your blogging. But it might serve as a worthy distraction to getting laid off or worrying about getting laid off, and you might just make someone else’s day too.

This New York Times editorial can be read at