Screenshots — Beautiful winter morning on campus


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When the recruiters told me said that Oakland University had one of the most beautiful campuses in Michigan, they weren’t lying. Nothing may top the colors in the fall across campus, but the hidden beauty of winter isn’t far behind.

As cold as it gets and as depressing as the temperatures may be, some walks to class are actually quite inspirational.

This shot was taken on my walk to class in the morning from Vandenberg to Wilson Hall. There was a break from the snowstorms and a drop in the temperature. Yet, the view was enough to stop me in my tracks and slow down a little, ignore the chill. However, I wasn’t too surprised because I’m very fond of Oakland’s scenery. I tend to be on campus around sunset and find myself taking pictures a few times a week to capture the colorful moments. This was just another one of OU’s treats.

The simple things like the views across campus each day help brighten my mood, especially when school can get stressful. So next time you’re dreading a walk across campus, look at it as a chance for an enlightening experience rather than a long, awful walk in the cold.