Abstinence not the answer


Scene/Mix Editor

On March 24, The New York Times published an editorial titled “Broader Access to Morning-After Pills.”

The editorial talks about a New York federal judge who ordered the FDA to make the morning-after pill available without prescription for women as young as 17. The editorial accuses Bush of finding many excuses to delay this from happening while he was in office.

On March 25, according to WLIX News, Plan B, which is the name of the pill, can now also be found over the counter to anyone 17 or older right here in Michigan.

People are already becoming outraged, and there have been stories of pharmacists refusing to sell the product. This is yet another way for religious groups to force their beliefs on others. The morning-after pill is effective for up to 72 hours, so waiting to see a doctor to get a prescription for the product would be basically useless.

Being seventeen years old and having sex might not sound ideal for anyone, religious or not. But, just because we don’t want them to be doing it, they’re most likely going to anyway. Marijuana is still illegal, and we’re obviously not stopping anyone from doing that either.

The New York Times editorial can be read at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/25/opinion/25wed2.html?_r=1.