OUSC plans focus groups and discusses future plans
At Monday afternoon’s Oakland University Student Council meeting, Student Body President Brandon Gustafson discussed plans to create focus groups designed to bring students and OUSC members together to discuss issues happening on campus.
Gustafson said the focus groups will allow OUSC members to meet with students on an individual basis and to help design future OUSC events and services based on what the students want.
“I want to get a wide range of students, maybe five or six, to kind of just better understand what the students want on their campus,” Gustafson said. “I really wanted to do this, and kind of focus on molding services that match what the students want.”
In addition to the focus groups, OUSC members discussed putting out surveys or holding conferences that would allow students to voice their opinions.
OU’s Got Talent
The Student Program Board will be presenting OU’s Got Talent, a talent show which will be held on Oct. 12 at 8 p.m. at the Meadowbrook Theatre.
SPB chair Jermaine Conaway said the talent show is a spinoff of the TV show “America’s Got Talent.”
“We’ll have three judges and three ‘Xs’,” Conaway said. “They’ll actually judge as they go, so they’ll give critiques and kind of treat it like the show.”
Auditions for the talent show will be held from Oct. 4 to Oct. 7 in the Oakland Center. For specific times and locations for the auditions, visit the SPB website at www.oakland.edu/spb.
Charging station
OUSC and the Oakland Center Administration are sponsoring a new electronic device charging station.
OUSC Public Relations Agent Jackie Puuri said all students need to do is take their electronic device and a charger to the help desk.
“They plug it in and charge it and give you a receipt,” Puuri said. “You can go back and pick it up when you’re done with class. It’s a safe way to charge your electronic device.”
The station is free for students to use, and it is located behind the OC help desk.
World of Sports
OUSC will be hosting the World of Sports event on Sept. 30.
The event is scheduled to take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the area between the OC and Kresge Library.
Puuri said the event will feature several different types of sports including soccer, basketball, football, baseball and kabaddi– a sport that is popular in many Asian countries.
Free food will be provided, and OUSC is also sponsoring a free yo-yo giveaway for students who attend.
New legislator
John Ajlouny, a sophomore political science major in public administration with a minor in Arabic, was unanimously approved as a new legislator.
He is also the president of OU’s College Democrats and member of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
Ajlouny said he hopes to create more diverse organizations on campus, and to also join several committees within OUSC.
“I really want to join the Legislative Committee,” Ajlouny said. “I’m also interested in joining Daud [Yar]’s committee, the Judicial Committee.”
New committee members
Maria Willett and Ashley Marthen were approved as members of the Student Activities Funding Board Committee.
Kelly Bailiff and Cynthia Dejeu were approved as new Public Relations Committee members.