Snyder’s first State of the State Address: What it means to Michiganders
Rick Snyder will give his first State of the State Address today at 7 p.m. as Michigan’s new governor. Coverage of the address can be found on Michigan Government Television — MGTV — beginning at 6 p.m.
Many expect the new governor to discuss the state’s economic standing, including the deficit for the upcoming fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1 and is estimated to be roughly $1.8 billion.
“Most, if not all states are in a similar situation, but our economic numbers have been worse than most for some time now,” Pat Piskulich, associate professor of political science, said.
Others agree that the governor must address “plans to turn around the state economically, diversify and grow new industries, create a better climate for business and make sure investments are made in infrastructure, health and education,” political science professor Paul Kubicek said.
With Snyder’s business background, many Michigan residents are looking forward to hearing about his plan for state business tax.
“I think there is greater interest for this one given that we have a new governor whose business past is familiar to many residents,” said Alan Epstein, special instructor of political science. His “promise to run the state as a business and to treat citizens as customers sparks both hope and concern.”
Political science professor John Klemanski said, “This is the time for government to be innovative and to consider lots of different options. Since he’s not a career politician, he can offer possible solutions that might seem a little wild. But I think voters want that — they don’t want government to keep doing the same things it’s done for 30 years.”
According, the Michigan Education Association recently released a five-point plan for education reform that includes increasing efficiency for districts to get the greatest return on investments for students, boosting graduation rates and more.
Klemanski said he tends to pay more attention to such speeches “because I know contained in these State of the State Addresses will be a series of proposals that will become bills submitted to the state legislature for their action and reaction.”
More residentes might be more inclined to watch this year’s address because “people don’t necessarily know what to expect from Rick Snyder,” Klemanski said.
“I expect the new governor to talk more specifically about his agenda to make Michigan ‘a great state again,'” Epstein said.