Grizzpose variety show to raise funds for school in India

On March 21,  Oakland University Housing will be hosting “Grizzpose” in order helps raise donations for a school in India. The event, which will take place in the Gold Rooms of the Oakland Center at 8 p.m, consists of a fashion and talent show.

The Residence Halls Association invites anyone willing to share their talent with OU to audition.

In order to tryout, acts must be three to five minutes, and be appropriate for all audiences. Tryouts begin Jan. 26 in the Vandenberg Lounge at 7:30 p.m. There are five spots available for talent acts.

“We are looking for individuals who can commit to the show,” Brianna Shamsuddoha, member of the RHA Programming Committee, said.

Their goal is to raise $7,500 that will go towards building a school in Bihar, India.

“The exciting part of our involvement is that the school we are funding will be easily reachable by 30 different rural villages and will accommodate up to 1,000 students a year,” Kristie Nixon, main coordinator of the event, said.

Students who are attending the event are encouraged to make a donation.

Nixon hopes to present the president of Schools for India, Venkatesh Chandrasekaren with a large donation for the prospective school in Bihar.


Contact staff intern Sarah Blanchette via e-mial at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @S_Blanche_