Homecoming events come to campus
OUSC tailgate
Prior to the men’s and women’s homecoming basketball games, Oakland University Student Congress is sponsoring its fourth annual tailgate being held in lot P16 and the faculty and staff tailgate will be held in lot P17. The alumni tailgate will be spread throughout both lots. The event will be held on Jan. 28 from noon to 3:30 p.m.
Family fun festival
The Alumni Association will be hosting a family festival on Jan. 28. from 1 to 3 p.m. in the lower level of the Rec Center. The festival will feature bungee runs, bounce houses, air-brushed tattoos and crafts. Although the festival is geared toward alumni and their families, student participation is encouraged.
Guard the Grizz
Starting at 9 a.m. on Jan. 27, attendees can participate in a Snow Bowl across the street from the Grizz statue against opponent, North Dakota State University, as well as hitting a pinata. Beginning at 9 p.m. attendees can participate in protecting the OU landmark from homecoming game opponents.
Car smash
The Grizz Gang is sponsoring a Car Smash that will take place during the Guard the Grizz event starting at 9 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27. Participants will be able to paint the opposing team’s name all over the remnants of a car and then take a sledgehammer to it. The event will be held near the O’rena and in view of the Grizz statue.