OUSC summer budget sees setback

Student Congress’s summer 2012 budget features some cutbacks for the summer semester.

Among the areas not receiving funding are campus improvement and athletic support.

With revenue of $26,929.24, OUSC will be operating with an operational surplus of $484.24 this semester.

Financial Affairs Director Scott Shermetaro blamed budget shortfalls on lower than expected winter carryover due to late invoices left over from events of the Eveslage/Malile administration.

Ben Eveslage, former OUSC president and senior majoring in international relations, said this is a normal part of the process.

“This regularly happens as it takes time to coordinate with other orgs and offices about co-sponsorships and also some of our expenses have been invoiced to us later than expected,” Eveslage said.

To try and cut the length of this process, Student Body President Samantha Wolf has instituted a procedural change.

“Another change that (Vice President Robbie Williford) and I made was to make it so that all purchasing would be through the Financial Affairs Director,” Wolf said. “This will (assure) the process from buying the item, and making sure that it is paid, is done faster.”

The effect of this emphasis can already be seen in the decision to combine accounts for Legislative Affairs, Student Services and three others into one main account.

The administration is moving quickly to rectify unpaid expenses.

Among the items to be covered from last semester was a subscription costing just under $1,850 to USA Today for the student readership program available in Kresge Library.

Also included was a $4,000 donation to Schools for India from the dinner at the close of the Women’s Symposium in March, as well as a $745 camera.

Also contributing to the cuts was a more realistic student enrollment estimate for the summer semester. A large portion of OUSC’s revenue comes from its 16 percent share in the $27.50 student activities fee, which is split up during the two summer semesters.

To help mitigate these losses, the executive board has agreed to cut the number of paid hours worked per week.

“(The) E-board has agreed to cut hours in order to save money,” Shermetaro said. “This does not mean that our performance over the summer will suffer, but rather that we will work just as hard as any prior administration with more unpaid hours.”

Paid hours have been cut from 25 to 20 per week.

A budget item to cover the cost of a new iMac for OUSC’s visual communications committee, headed by Ethan Scott, will be deferred until the fall semester.

Student Congress has been able to pick up funding for some causes from outside sources.

The proposed after-hours Scantron machine is now being paid for by the Oakland Center administration. It will be placed in the vending machine area outside the bookstore and sell Scantrons and other supplies.

Helping Student Congress cover its expenses is a $9,800 contribution from Dean of Students Glenn McIntosh.

OUSC still plans to continue its involvement with New Student Programs. It will purchase lanyards and volunteer time at each of the overnight orientations. A revamped Grizzly of the Month program is also being planned.


Contact Senior Reporter Kevin Graham via email at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @KevinGraham88