When the weather is low, bring yourself up

If you are anything like me, you can gain weight just by smelling food. I have always been the type of person that needs to watch what I eat and try to cut back on the sweets.

I used to think that in order to lose weight all I had to do was watch what I eat.


That is only part of it.  You also need to be physically active. That is key.

Now, you may be wondering “what makes you so special to think you know all this?”

I know from personal experience. Ever since I was little, I have always been an active person and was always involved in one sport or another.  As I grew older and entered college, I was not as active with sports teams but was busy with other things like work, school, an internship and my job at The Oakland Post.

Both of my jobs and internship have me sitting at a computer, though I’m not complaining. Because of this, I have less time to stay active and I almost tricked myself into thinking I had no time.

When I really stopped to think about it, I had the time … I was just lacking the motivation to get out there and do it.

If you spend a half hour a day concentrating on a different group of muscles, you will be amazed by the results.

I have found that staying active not only helps me with my weight, but it gives me energy and a more positive outlook on life. I feel like I stand a little taller, see things in a better light, and all around feel better as a person.

Those three factors alone make me want to put on my Nike shoes and get out there.

With the fall and winter seasons bringing harsher weather, it is not an excuse to stop staying active.  If you have an open space on the floor and a half hour, you have the opportunity to feel better about yourself.

In an article for SparkPeople, written by Jennipher Walters, certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor, she gives us tips on getting the most from a winter workout.

As far as the motivation is concerned, I usually just think of my favorite female celebrity, Ann Hathaway, and all that she has accomplished. Whatever gets you motivated to get up and do is good enough.

Don’t let the fall and winter weather get to you. It’s Michigan, so you never know what Mother Nature will throw our way these next several months.

Lets face it, when it’s a cloudy, dark winter day, most of us don’t feel like doing 50 crunches. Sitting by the fire watching a good movie while eating holiday cookies sounds much more appealing.

Don’t let the dreary weather stop you.

From a women’s standpoint, Mother Nature is never on our side, no matter what it is. By getting up and doing those lunges or crunches on a day when she is in one of those moods that brings the weather down, is like slapping her in the face and saying “ha!”

By getting up and being active for a half hour a day, in a few weeks I’m sure you will be happy with the results.

Here are many ways to keep it up; it’s getting the motivation to stick with it throughout the winter months, which I will discuss in future blogs.

A little perseverance and determination can go a long way.

Remember, if you don’t feel it the next day, your not training hard enough.

Contact Campus Editor Stephanie Preweda via email at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @stephsocool