Speeding to the decision: Just a bump in the road

A beautiful new Human Health building graces the campus of Oakland University.

It has high-tech learning facilities and an edgy, sexy profile.

But it’s the speed bump the building necessitated that’s generating buzz … most of it in the form of students’ whining.

Comments elicited from our very “non-scientific” Facebook survey reflected what we’ve been hearing in passing on campus.

“The speed bump is terrible. I agree, no matter how slow I go, it scrapes my poor Taurus! It needs to go, now,” one user posted.

“Bump is an understatement. More like an obstacle,” another posted.

“You literally have to stop your car and coast over it for no damage to be inflicted upon your car. I think the speed plateau is too big,” posted another.

We say quit your bitching.

Yes the bump is obnoxious, but it’s meant to discourage drivers from taking a curve too fast.

And yes, the curve has always been there. The heavy pedestrian traffic, however, has not.

Prior to this year, acreage at the corner of Squirrel and Walton, was, for the most part, deserted.  Now, with the addition of the HHB, it’s one of the busiest hubs on campus.

A commuter campus, by the way, where it’s obvious that drivers need to slow down.

Already this semester, drivers hit two cyclists on two separate occasions.

One of them was a student who was crossing Pioneer Drive.

The other was a faculty member who was hit on University Drive.

Though both sustained minor injuries, it’s still an alarming statistic and luckily no one was seriously hurt.

So students who are complaining that the bump requires them to go slow, are exactly right.  That’s the point.

And students who are complaining that the bump has damaged their car, are, well, driving too fast.

Slow down. That’s what the “SLOW” signs are meant to convey to you.

The speed limit around the busy sections of campus (by the buildings and dorm rooms) is 15 mph. The limit increases to a maximum of 25 mph around the more rural parts of campus.

Though we’d like to assume everyone follows those limits, we know it’s not true.

Especially when you’re running late to class.

We understand the importance of arriving to class on time, as well as instructors and their policies on tardiness, but we’re sure they’d appreciate it if you were late because you were practicing safe driving, rather than knowing you almost ran over a bunch of pedestrians to get that coveted Parking Lot 2 spot.

Also remember that pedestrians on this campus have the right of way, not just at the speed bump, but at all crosswalks everywhere.

You’re supposed to stop for them. That’s a practice we need to enculturate.

We’re hoping that besides slowing people down, the speed bump will also make drivers more aware of general driving rules which will create a safer campus for everyone.