Make your vote count in the presidential elections

Maybe you’re like some of our staff. You’ve spent months getting ready for this year’s election — watching every debate, following both presidential candidates closely and learning everything there is to know about all six proposals.  You’ve also been gathering information on your local leaders.

For those of you who don’t fit the above description, you’re in luck. We’ve done some of the work for you.

This issue of The Oakland Post contains an eight-page bi-partisan election guide, created with you in mind.

In it, you will find information on all of the candidates, the six proposals, a description of what elected officials do, an election term glossary, a how-to guide for voting, statistics on young voters and more.

We’re hoping this guide will make you fully prepared for the 2012 Presidential Elections.

There is a large segment of our population that doesn’t vote, regardless of how informed they may be.

They’re making a terrible decision.

This year’s election is already turning out to be close — current President Barack Obama and Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney are neck and neck, making your votes even more crucial.

We don’t need a replay of the 2000 election, where former President George W. Bush beat Democratic Candidate Al Gore by a mere five electoral votes.

But we might be close to it if you don’t head out to the polls and make your vote count.

In 2008, 48 million millennials — those born between 1978 and 2000 — were old enough to vote and 25 million of them actually did so, according to research conducted by the Pew Research Center.

At Oakland University, 65.6 percent of undergraduate students are between the ages of 17-22 years old, according to the Office of Institute Research and Assessment. That means a very small percentage of us were eligible to vote in the 2008 presidential elections. It’s now our time to make our voices heard and stand up for what we believe in.

Furthermore, it is important to note, many people in other countries lack the ability to make their voice heard, even if they wanted to.

Only slightly above 45 percent of countries were considered to be free democracies and were able to vote in 2010, according to Freedom in the World Reports.

We are fortunate to be a part of that 45 percent and should capitalize on the fact we are.

If you don’t vote, don’t complain if the elected candidate does something you don’t agree with. If you’re not part of the process, then you lose the right to criticize.

The staff editorial is written weekly by members of The Oakland Post’s editorial board.