Cracking Down: OUPD releases annual safety and security report
The OUPD has released its annual safety and security report, as required by the Clery Act and for the better understanding of campus safety policies, procedures and resources.
Readers will find information on things like fire drills, emergency notifications and student/employee responsibilities.
At the end of the report, there are statistics for campus, residence halls and non-campus crimes.
But what do they mean for Oakland’s students?
In the past year, OU’s main campus has seen a decrease in reported crimes like robbery (from two instances to zero), aggravated assault (seven to six), burglary (nine to four) and motor vehicle theft (four to two).
However, there have been increases in crimes involving illegal weapons and drug and liquor laws.
Last year, three illegal weapons arrests have been made along with 28 drug arrests and 34 liquor arrests.
The last illegal weapons arrests occurred before 2009 and drug violations increased by 86 percent while liquor violations increased by 54 percent.
With that, the campus’ safety is increasing in certain areas.
But with a growing student population, the increase in drug, liquor and illegal weapons arrests is something to be addressed and improved on.
For more information on the annual safety and security report, visit