On top of the world with ‘Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile’
‘Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile’ is out in theaters now.
Oct. 7th marked “Lyle Lyle Day” for anyone keeping up with the release of this movie. This may be a children’s film, but I have been deeply invested in all things Lyle since finding out the eponymous crocodile would be voiced by none other than Shawn Mendes.
The social media marketing for this film was so effective, I honestly don’t think I would have gone to see it otherwise — but I am so glad I did. I could not go two TikTok scrolls without hearing the sweet sound of Mendes’ voice singing “At the top of the world tonight / Where no one ever has to hide.”
With the amount of promotion there was for that track, I expected it to be the recurring theme song of the movie that culminated in a huge, final number after getting little tastes of it throughout — but it totally wasn’t. All I got was a roughly 45 second clip of a crocodile jumping all over a roof pretty early on in the film.
I think that is my biggest grievance that I hold for “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile.” I wanted more of that song that would not leave me alone anywhere outside of the theater. I almost missed its ear wormy presence, but I digress.
I don’t know what I thought the plot of “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile” was going to be going into the theater, and I don’t even know if I fully understood what it was when I left, but that does not mean I didn’t enjoy the ride.
First of all, the movie was aesthetically beautiful. Its rich red, green and gold color palette really hit a sweet spot that made me feel like I was inside a thoughtfully illustrated children’s book.
I also did have my jaw dropped at any movement that Lyle made, simply because I was imagining Mendes in his place. I obviously know that they didn’t actually have Mendes in one of those CGI suits jumping through dumpsters in the streets of New York, but it was so fun to imagine that.
Every time Lyle nervously tucked his little front legs up in front of his scarf adorned body I would jolt in my seat and honestly mirror him. I was very emotionally invested in Lyle’s well-being, so hats off to the VFX people who made him possible.
Not gonna lie, though, Lyle looked tortured until the very end of the movie. Even as he drove off into the sunset with his new family, his eyes were still sad looking. Wishing Lyle the best — maybe that’s just his crocodile charm?
Overall, I think my biggest takeaway from this movie was how bad I want to sleep in a blanket filled cello case in a glass roofed attic overlooking the twinkling night time skyline of New York City, so thank you for that visual, “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile.”
Rating: 4/5 stars