Board of Trustees appoints four members to Presidential Search Committee
At its July 1 meeting, the OU Board of Trustees approved a $234 million budget that will raise tuition for upper-level classmen, provide for more staffing, fund new academic programs and more.
Four new members were appointed to the Ad Hoc Presidential Search Committee during the Dec. 9 Oakland University Board of Trustees meeting.
The additions for approval were reviewed by the Board and passed at the Monday meeting.
The newest committee members include Oakland University’s Student Body President Brandon Hanna, Professor of physics Andrei Slavin, Registrar Steven Shablin, and Associate Professor of Marketing Janell Townsend.
Hanna was elected Student Body President last March for the 2013-2014 school year. He is a senior majoring in Biology.
Slavin is the chair of the physics department. He has a Ph.D. in Radiophysics and is a published author.
Shablin, who has been the Registrar since August 1998, is also a senator for the AP Assembly.
Townsend is currently an associate professor of marketing and international business. She holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Michigan State University.
Trustee Richard DeVore was pleased with the additions to the committee, stating, “every constituency is represented now.”
Audience member Kevin Graham spoke and was also happy to see more faculty and Oakland University community members joining the committee.
Graham suggested that the Board keep the community informed on the committee’s progress.
“The community at a large would like to know when the committee meets,” Graham said. “So we all know what’s going on and how it’s going on.”
DeVore responded to Graham’s comment, saying “There will be some open forums” in regards to the committee.
The Board also approved R. William Funk & Associates as the Presidential Search Firm. The firm will assist the Ad Hoc Presidential Search Committee in the search for the University’s next President.
The operating budgets for Meadowbrook Hall and the Golf and Learning Center were approved at the meeting.
Meadowbrook Hall Executive Director Geoffrey Upward presented the budget projections for the 2013 year-end and the proposed 2014 budget.
The 2013-projected actual budget showed total revenue of $2,943,866 and total expenditures of $2,656,527. The revenue exceeds the expenditures at $287,339.
The 2014 proposed budget had a revenue total of $2,819,515 and total expenditures of $2,808,897. The revenue exceeds the expenditures at $10,618.
The director also mentioned highlights of 2013 at Meadowbrook, including the discovery of the Bartolome Esteban Murillo painting that will be preserved by the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Upward is looking forward to putting together a 2014 Dodge Brothers exhibit.
“It should be a good year for us as we develop the Dodge interpretation story,” Upward said.
Bill Rogers, golf and managing director at the Golf and Learning Center, presented the 2013-estimated actual budget and the 2014 proposed budget.
The 2013 estimated actual budget had total revenue of $5,282,241 and total expenditures of $4,630,445. The revenue exceeds expenditures by $651,796.
The 2014 proposed budget has total revenue of $3,584,300 and total expenditures at $3,247,833. The revenue exceeds expenditures by $336,467.
Rogers said 314 rounds of golf were played this season; he called 2013 a “very successful year.”
A report of the Board’s finances was also given at the meeting.
Board Treasurer John Beaghan presented his report showing that enrollment was up 1.7% the combined Summer and Fall semesters, compared to last year. This fell .6% of the budgeted figure.
Beaghan also added that all construction projects were on time and on budget.