Artstrology—art therapy tips for surviving Mercury retrograde

Beginning of the school year have you feeling askew? Mercury is back in retrograde just in time for the start of the school year and will remain so through the month of September. Mercury retrograde famously unearths feelings that we thought we had stowed away making it an important time to make an effort to reflect, so here’s what you can expect and some survival tips to help you get through it!

With mercury in Libra, we face a strong emphasis on partnerships and the status of ourselves in them. Granted that the school year has just begun, we might be worried about social status, whether it’s on- or off-campus or even in or out of the classroom. In other words, we might all be experiencing a little bit of imposter syndrome coming into the new school year.

Feeling like you belong begins with getting to know oneself. Tap into your inner creative to counteract any lingering feelings of self-doubt:

Aries and Virgo will be feeling this tension especially. This fall’s retrograde will bring your insecurities to light, so remind yourself you are capable by taking up something tactile that can leave you feeling accomplished like crochet! Not only can this help your self-esteem, but it is an activity fit for the fall season.

During this first half of retrograde, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn could benefit from a guided activity. Mercury will stir up the lives of these signs, so the stability of a painting class or color by number could bring an air of control to an otherwise stormy life.

Pisces, Gemini and Aquarius on the other hand will likely feel their minds drift leading to doodles galore. This retrograde may bring distractions to these signs. While they might be a nuisance, keeping track of these seemingly outlandish (and maybe even intrusive) ideas or visions could end up helping you out in the future!

Retrograde may make Scorpio and Cancer feel more introverted than usual. To recharge your social battery, pop on your headphones and take a stroll around campus or a nearby park. Take in the scenery and enjoy the sounds of your favorite songs.

While every other sign may feel introspective, Leo and Sagittarius will experience a kind of restless social energy. That excess energy can be put to use in an exercise dance class!

We’ll experience a shift on Sept. 23 when Mercury enters its grounded home sign Virgo. During this transit we may turn our attention to revisiting our broader values and assessing their practicality.

At this point during retrograde, all signs could benefit from a little vision boarding. Take a second to ask yourself what feeds you and what doesn’t, maybe set a goal for the near future. Think about what you want your life to look life and map it out.

This can take the form of a drawing, collage or even a Pinterest board! Envisioning your life in the midst of this Mercury retrograde will set you up for a smoother transition out of this astrological season.

Buckle up! We’re all in for a bumpy next few weeks, but we’ll get through it in one piece.