It’s about more than the colored eggs

Easter is alive; it’s story waiting to be told. The current picture of the holiday, riddled with bunnies and eggs, originated in the 13th century where Eostra, goddess of spring and fertility, was represented in lore as a rabbit. 

This imagery holds beauty’ but we are convicted Easter holds more.


What is Defero Icthus?

As an organization, Defero Ichthus, we began collaboration as a group of Oakland Students in September 2013 with the goal of creating an audiovisual presentation. Defero Ichthus communicates all the hope and promise attached to a Christian understanding of the season. We involved other members of the university as we surveyed numerous students in the Oakland Center, the library — seeking their preferences for a title. The results were evident and so our presentation came to be named—“What It Actually Meant; The Price of Life.”


Reaching out online

Our world today is turbulent —this is clear in the symptoms we see in our lives from warfare and brutality to stress on exams, broken relationships and prejudice between those who could unite. 

We seek to pursue a light that is much needed in the hearts and homes of all. And you can help.

As we approach Ash Wednesday March 5th, which marks the start of the season, we have released a promotional video on YouTube and Vimeo. The actual film “What It Actually Meant; The Price of Life” is an audio visual dissertation set to be released this Easter season.  It is because we believe in this project wholeheartedly, that it has the potential to reach young and old across America and the rest of the world, that our goal is to make this the most viewed and highest trending audiovisual presentation; we want it to go viral. 

So check it out. Share it with your friends. We are depending on students like yourself to spread the word and make an impact. 

We are Josh Rooker, Rockson Nsiah, Hannah Dugan, Charles Lapastora, Nicholas Kristock, Alex Riopelle, Josephine and Jude Morris, presenting hope, unity, and teaching a generation to act on their convictions starting with our own conviction. Partner with us this season in spreading a message of hope.

To view Defero Icthus’ videos on Vimeo and    Youtube, you can type  and  

You can search Defero Icthus on both sites, as well.