Letter from the editor: A new dawn for The Oakland Post

Dear reader:

Some sunsets are muted. Some are golden. As the imminent tide of graduation whisked away another group of talented seniors from The Oakland Post and toward the horizon of the real world, a magnificent, golden sun set on our news organization. Temporarily, we were left in darkness.

However, if I have learned anything from basic science classes and life on Earth thus far, it is that the sun does in fact rise again. Sometimes, it just means surviving the night.

Newly appointed editors and mourning the losses of our seniors, we groped through the blackness, hiring new staff, making structural changes, learning editing computer software, and deciding just what we wanted to fill these twenty-some pages with each week.

We called upon you, the reader, asking for your input as our most important asset, the individual who takes our newsprinted words and brings them to life by giving us a read, even if you did only take a copy to be nice to the distributor.

In the darkness we groped and in the darkness we grew. Appointing former reporters Ali DeRees, Andrew Wernette and Jackson Gilbert to our campus and administration; life, arts, and entertainment; and sports editor positions, respectively, we aim to increase The Post’s comprehensive coverage in the coming year, to interest, educate and entertain you, the reader.

We bolstered our sales, distribution and web content teams with the intent of spreading word of our publication. Most of all, though, we survived the night.

The paper you are currently holding marks our dawn on a new day of The Oakland Post. Through the next thirty-plus issues, we hope to be your trusted news source, to bring you the good, bad and ugly of Oakland University’s news, to fill you in on the matters that affect you, and maybe even help you to see OU in a different light.

We know that our sun, too, will eventually set. But in the meantime, we plan to shine.

Yours truly,

Oona Goodin-Smith


P.S. If you are interested in joining our journalistic journey of excellence at The Post by becoming a reporter, photographer or distributor, the time is now. Send all inquiries and applications to editor@oaklandpostonline.com.