Softball Q&A with Jacqueline Kisman

The Oakland University Golden Grizzlies (11-15, 0-2 Horizon) softball team is returning home this weekend for its first home game this season.

OU’s Jacqueline Kisman sat down with The Post to give her thoughts on the team and its season so far. Kisman leads the team with a batting average at .394.

I know not every game you’ve played this season has been designated an away game, but how nice will it be to finally return home and play in Oakland’s ball park?

It’s always fun to play at home, but even when we are away, every place is our home. A field is a field, no matter where it is. We still have to show up and play the same way we would if we were playing at Oakland. It’s always nice to have the extra fans though.

What do you think your team has done well this season?

Out of the three years that I have been here, this year feels like we really are a family. Also, I think we have done a great job of staying positive when things don’t go our way; we never stop fighting, and always have faith in each other and our coaches.

What are your expectations for the rest of the season?

I expect us to get better every day in practice and take it into our games. Just because we are 0-2 in conference does not mean we won’t be conference champs. We will continue to work hard, and the wins will come.

You’re hitless in only two games this season, is there anything you can attribute your success to while at the plate?

During the fall I really worked on my mental game and read a lot books about mentally preparing yourself for competition. I visualize myself succeeding every night before games and then again before I go up to the plate. I always try to visualize a couple different plans in case the first one doesn’t work. My coaches and teammates also provide me with a lot of confidence.

Do you feel added pressure to do well each game because you’ve proven to be so consistent?

I definitely think about it, but I try not to let it affect me. If I think about it, it’s only going to give me more pressure. I just play my game and if I don’t get a hit one game then the next game my goal is to get two hits and make up for it.

What kind of support do you offer to your teammates when they’re struggling at the plate?

I usually try to tell them to swing at the first strike because it’s the best one you’re going to see. If they beat you in your last at bat, be ready for the same type of pitches because they will probably come at you the same way. Make the pitcher change her game, not yours. Never let it get to your head. 

Contact Staff Reporter Matt Saulino at [email protected]