Looking for a job? OU Career Services can help with that and more

Maggie Willard

Grizz welcomes OU students into the Career Service Center.

Offering consultations, networking opportunities and events, the OU Career Services team is here to help students and alumni find job opportunities at no additional cost — a unique feature to the university.

Also unique to the university are the career consultant teams assigned to the Schools of Business and Engineering located in each building, respectively, as well as other education paths that assist students specifically in those fields.

“We do everything, from beginning to end when it comes to the career part,” said Carol Anne Ketelsen, Career Consultant for the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Nursing. “From what you are going to with your major to looking at all the different options, we help you explore all that you can do with your degree and then figure out the next steps.”

For many students, these next steps include internships, job shadowing volunteer experiences and more. OU Career Services helps students get there.

“We help you with all your professional documents your resume, cover letter reference sheets,” Ketelsen said. “We help you once you have an interview scheduled whether it’s for an internship or full-time job and we help you practice interviewing so that you can get the job and know what to say.”

The scope of opportunities made available through OU Career Services doesn’t stop once students find employment. They can also learn how to negotiate job offers and their salary as well as how to be professional in the workplace.

Kristen Brehmer, a senior in the School of Nursing, received and accepted a post-graduation job offer as an acute care registered nurse through the University of Michigan Health System and credits OU Career Services for helping her during the application process.

“I originally met with Carol for my resume and everything. And then once I got a call back and for my interview, I scheduled another appointment for a mock interview with her,” Brehmer said. “I took the mock interview the day before my interview so it would be fresh. I just remember that she was very helpful and that she went through all types of questions that they would ask. And I’d say my answer and then she would say any feedback—positive feedback—and then add in her comments of what to include.”

When asked if she would recommend OU Career Services to other students, she replied by saying: “Definitely, yes.”

In terms of when students should meet with OU Career Services, Carol Anne emphasized that it should be early and frequently in one’s academic career. She also underscored the importance of building rapport with a particular consultant so that they continuously search for and communicate potential opportunities with them.

“We really encourage students to start coming the second semester of their freshman year,” Ketelsen said.

For more information regarding OU Career Services and their upcoming events, please visit their webpage, Handshake, or social media accounts.