Elite Daily marginalizes ‘The Voice of Generation-Y’

The Oakland Post

Elite Daily is today’s premier provider of lowest common denominator entertainment. Billed as “The Voice of Generation-Y,” the outlet generates BuzzFeed-like content, but with more sexism, stereotypes and an outright reliance on overgeneralizing anything and everything to attract (often angry) readers.

Give Elite Daily credit; its formula works: publications don’t get one million-plus likes on its Facebook page and thousands of likes and shares on its articles without dedicated readership.

“Traditional news media publications create content that dictates a story rather than speaking to its readership,” says the site’s mission statement. “The Elite Daily ethos is centered on reader engagement and fostering a true, unique connection with our readership through a platform that facilitates discussion rather than blandly presenting news.”

This isn’t true. Elite Daily panders to the people of Generation-Y; coddling them, telling them only what they want to hear. Elite Daily’s recent article, “50 Things About Millennials That Make Corporate America Sh*t Its Pants,” exemplifies this, as well as everything that’s wrong with (pseudo) journalism, our generation and the publication as a whole.

Elite Daily isn’t facilitating discussion, unless by discussion it’s referring to the hundreds of comments the articles receive that trash the publication and its contributors for being poorly cited, written and articulated.

“Like that girl you can’t understand, Corporate America has gone from scorning us to fearing us,” writes Elite Daily senior writer Lauren Martin. “The bosses don’t understand why we’re not pleading to work with them, why we’re not wearing suits to interviews and why the hell we’re not trying to make a good impression on them.

“They don’t understand why we’re not lining up after college for a spot on their factory lines. They don’t understand why we don’t want to make five figures under fluorescent lighting or why we’d rather be broke than bored.”

According to the Federal Reserve’s new Survey of Consumer Finances, the wealthiest 3 percent of American households controlled 54.4 percent of the nation’s wealth in 2013, up from 44.8 percent in 1989. The share of wealth held by the bottom 90 percent fell to 24.7 percent in 2013, compared to 33.2 percent in 1989.

Corporate America is not threatened by Millennials, or rather the attitudes Millennials purportedly hold, as Martin claims. The rich continue to get richer at the expense of everyone else.

They don’t care that “We’d rather start work at 10 and finish at 10,” as Martin says. They don’t care that “We don’t do drug tests.” They don’t care that “We’re willing to work for nothing if it means being happy… Despite being in debt.”

Assuming they want to live under a roof and not share meals with rodents, people still ultimately work to get paid. Martin says “We don’t have to go to college to get ahead,” but new studies suggest otherwise.

According to a Pew Research study in February, Millennial college graduates ages 25 to 32 who are working full time earn about $17,500 more annually than employed young adults with only a high school diploma. The pay gap between the two was also much smaller in previous generations. College-educated Millennials are also less likely to be unemployed, holding just a 3.8 percent unemployment rate compared to the 12.2 percent rate of Millennials without a college degree.

Martin says “We want careers, not jobs.”Also harder to accomplish without a college education.

Eighty-six percent of Milliennial college graduates say their job is a career or a stepping stone to a career. Only 57 percent of Millenials with a high school education or less can say the same.

Martin says “We’re not about climbing the ladder, we’re about circumventing it.”

But say someone takes Martin’s “50 things” as fact. They could miss out on a college education and a career while accruing debt. They could feasibly end up on welfare, taking on odd-end jobs to pay off that debt.

Relying on the government and minimum wage jobs for survival doesn’t sound like someone that knows “how to beat the system.” That is, unless, Martin’s idea of beating the system is forcing its collapse by abusing social programs that weren’t meant to be solely relied upon in the first place.

And many of those odd-end jobs will be disappearing soon, job loss provoked by people not skilled enough to survive outside of the system, challenging the system.

Protesters across the country are calling for fast-food chains to raise their wages, and the chains are responding by automating their service. In April, Panera Bread announced that within the next three years it plans to introduce self-service ordering kiosks and a mobile ordering option in all its locations.

Elite Daily isn’t empowering Generation-Y by any means. Intentionally or not, the publication is crippling readers that blindly accept what it has to say. Just like the sinister side of Corporate America, Elite Daily profits off of the ignorance of its consumers, operating with no regard for quality, under the guise of simply providing products its consumers desire.

“The fact that some of you actually can write or agree with this kind of nonsense basically proves the point,” said Stephen Rexroth, the top commenter on the “50 Things” article. “None of these things scare corporate America. The fact that you actually believe this nonsense and that someday soon you’ll be in charge is what actually frightens people.”